My Own Bog Wood


New Member
Jan 11, 2012
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Decided to start my fish tank up again, I’m going tropical again and would like a nice big bog wood feature, however the ones I’ve seen are like £50 up…. I point blank refuse to pay that kind of money for old tree wood!

We have a large river near my house which has plenty of fallen tree’s in there, if I took the wood out I want and cut it to fit could I do it that way or would it kill the tank. I’ve not set up the tank yet so thought if I prepare now it will be ok?

Also does this apply with Rock, i.e I take a few stones from the river and clean them in treated water would that also be ok?
A search on the forum will give you some good clues :)

A rough guide for wood wood be:

The stream - is it near any agricultural site? Many farm treatments (like sheep dip) utilise Pyromethrin (sp?) which is lethal to invertebrates and fish.

Does the wood still have: Bark/is it falling apart/is it covered with fungi? etc.
What type of wood is it? (Beech/Oak etc. aregenerally OK)

Its pretty hit and miss, and you would also need to scrub it, soak it in clean water for weeks - observe it for beasties etc. and keep testing water parameters before introduction.

Don't pay shop prices for bogwood! look around on forums etc. for cheaper deals :)
I took stones from a train station, scrubbed them clean, microwaved for one min and then dumped them in the tank, no probs, works like a charm.

As for wood, thats more tricky as it soaks up stuff.
I took stones from a train station, scrubbed them clean, microwaved for one min and then dumped them in the tank, no probs, works like a charm.

As for wood, thats more tricky as it soaks up stuff. microwaved stones? generally not a good idea to super heat stones as it could explode.
Wouldn't have thought that you would have any problems with getting your own bits of wood,
the best bits are the ones you find yourself, they just need a little extra work that's all!

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