My Old Pets


Fish Gatherer
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset
I recently went through a break up and have had to move back to my parents. They don't like all the fish and animals I had so today I had to say goodbye to my babies.

My guinea pigs speedy and gonzales

My Bearded Dragons


Spyro as he was put in the back of the car :-(

Was so upset to see them go as they are my life - just at least I know the person who is having them will look after them!
Awe how gutting :sad:

Its bad enough having to go through a break up let alone having to give your wonderful pets up :no:

Thinking of you..
Aww no, I feel for you so much :-(

I understand how much it hurts :( I've had to do this twice, the first time i had to sell/rehome about 20 hamsters, 30 mice/rats/gerbils etc, my 2 snakes, my 2 leopard geckos, my 2 guinea pigs, my rabbit and numerous others...

This time i broke up with my ex in march this year, i sold all my hamsters, mice, gerbils etc AGAIN, my quail, my fat tailed geckos, my snakes (my ex killed 2 :( ) and all my fish :( Even left my 8x3x2 sumped tank behind.

Its heart breaking. There is no other way to describe it.
know how you feel there, had to re home my rabbit and robovskis thru a break up. when i went to check my ferrets he'd opened the cage door out of spite so they were long gone :( at least you know they going to a good new home. good luck for the future x

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