My Old Betta....


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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my oldest betta about 18 months but he has never got any bigger..has been mopey for days he comes for food just noticed that the ends of his fins are frayed and sort of darker in colour. He is in a split tank so just going to move him to one on his own but not sure what medication to put in water. He has always swam as if his fins are too heavy for him, but he looks very sorry for himself today!

Any ideas or just old age?

Update..just moved him he is swimming a bit sideways...has eaten some bloodworms. The only thing I can think of he has always been in a split tank with 3 mollies on other side about a week ago I moved the mollies and put in a young male betta..would he sense he was there...he has been very mopey since then thinking about it?
Betta can get depressed. The moves may have upset him--combined with his age. Maybe he misses the mollies. He could hear them and sense them.
He looks really fed up and he is thinner than he used to be...I must leave him alone..supposed to be doing some of my ou course...will look in later...thanks for replying suex
I have had some betta get so depressed they stopped eating. One boy stopped eating when I moved the sorority tank away from him. When I moved him near the girls' tank he perked up and became his flirty old self. Can you move the mollies near him without moving him anymore?

Fish , especially Betta, are very aware of things going on outside of their tank.
He is next to my fancy goldfish now and he loks as if he is watching them. The very ends of his fins are falling off though! Yuck!
I have never had fin rot, but it sounds as if your boy needs to be treated for a bacterial infection. I use BettaFix, but Synirr uses Maracyn and Maracyn II, I believe. I would try the milder BettaFix, and if there is no improvement very quickly move to a stronger antibiotic. But this is not my area and meds are very stressful, so it would be good to check with a more knowledgeable person. Super frequent water changes are always beneficial as they reduce the bacterial load.
I put some my? something in for fin rot. He looks a bit happier and is swimming round and has just had 4 bloodworms. I have got a bucket of new water and put it outside so I can do water changes quickly if needs be. I still add water treatment to it but water here is so hard I like it to stand first.
I'm glad if he feels a bit better. :thumbs:

Hes swimming around a lot now and his fins look cleaner (?) if thats the right expression. He is watching my fancy goldfish..not flaring at them..just fingers crossed :rolleyes:
He has made me a bubble nest! Trouble is he is in a small bowl with heater but not going to worry about the bowl, as he is definitely better. The stuff I put in was Myxazin. It says use it you think that is too much?
He has made me a bubble nest! Trouble is he is in a small bowl with heater but not going to worry about the bowl, as he is definitely better. The stuff I put in was Myxazin. It says use it you think that is too much?

I am so pleased I found this forum I really do believe my blue betta would be dead now, if I hadnt have read the advice on here. At the moment he has built a bubble nest his fins look clean, and he is asleep near to the side where my goldfish are so I think he just stressed himself out.

ps One of my juveniles has had blood worms today and he looks quite that normal?
Some Betta will overeat if given the chance. Yes they can stuff up their bellies :lol: If he's an overeater, watch his feedings. Might be a good time for some pea after he skips a meal. Blood worms are pretty rich and fatty.

I'm delighted about the Betta's recovery. Be sure to complete the medicatiom as directed. If he looks stressed from the medication, do a water change, but be sure to complete the medication cycle. Don't want to develop any antibiotic resistant bacteria. A sign that the Betta is having trouble with the medication load in the water is if he starts hanging at the top to breathe.
Thanks for help Sue x

I am going to have a word with my bettas now..and feed rest of animals. lol Liz x

Tuesday..all my 4 boys have made me bubble nests and the smallest has the largest over half of the top of his tank! They are so cute!
I think I might change the old bettas water tonight..he looks ok..but is not eating much and is near the bottom. I dont like his tank though ..bowl I mean it distorts the view! He has made me a little bubble nest and his fins are short but cleaner.
I think, just keep him happy as you can and enjoy him. He sounds like a good boy. :D

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