My Newly Redecorated Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jan 21, 2007
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
Here is my 55 gallon tank about a month ago (in desperate need of an algae scraping...):


And here is my tank today:


It's not totally done because I plan on getting some more decorations to have a more planted and natural look. Anybody have any suggestions on things I could add? I'd appreciate any input!
It looks pretty good, I definatley like the change in substrate color lol, good job.
Your tank looks a lot better!
How about some rock and a bit more bogwood? Always looks natural and it would fill the bottom out a bit. You could try planted bogwood too, I have some in my tank and it looks good.

Tank looks great!! I like the plastic angels!! hehe They have barely moved from one pic to the other!!

Good job

Haha yeah it's because whenever I'm standing in front of the tank they think I'm going to feed them! They're little pigs!

How about some rock and a bit more bogwood? Always looks natural and it would fill the bottom out a bit. You could try planted bogwood too, I have some in my tank and it looks good.

Ok..any idea on places where you can get artificial bogwood for cheap? I don't think I want to go with the real thing so that I don't have to deal with it leaching or decaying, but the fake stuff that actually looks decent is a little pricey (that little piece I got on the right was $20!).
I just noticed in your sig u got 3 angels, are u not finding 1 is getting bullied by the other two? thats what happened to mine when 1 out of my 4 died, guess they didnt like the goosberry
I just noticed in your sig u got 3 angels, are u not finding 1 is getting bullied by the other two? thats what happened to mine when 1 out of my 4 died, guess they didnt like the goosberry

Actually yeah, i have noticed that. 2 of them are a breeding pair so they kinda stay together on the one side of the tank, and the 3rd one stays on his side of the tank. Sometimes they have a little showdown and butt heads (especially when the pair are about to lay eggs). It's never anything serious though and the only damage I've ever noticed is a few lost scales on the 3rd one, so they all get along fine enough. It probably helps that I think my angels are siblings (they were in the same tank when I bought them), but I guess some angels are just less aggressive than others!

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