My New Tiger Barbs


New Member
Nov 16, 2006
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hey there all, im a very new fish keeper and have wanted to do this for years i have got 4 tiger barbs in my tank. now i know these can be a little agressive at times but mine seem fine
i was just woundering if having 2 black mollies would be ok in the tank?

fyi, its "tiger barbs" ;)

what size tank is it and what all lives in it? if its a 15g or larger and only the barbs live there, then i don't see why not.
fyi, its "tiger barbs" ;)

what size tank is it and what all lives in it? if its a 15g or larger and only the barbs live there, then i don't see why not.

i didnt even notise i put barns haha sorry. its about a 24g tank and only the barbs and golden apple snail live there i just wasnt sure if the barbs would hurt the mollies
tigers can be agressive and nippy :/

make sure you have plenty of hiding places though and they should be ok, it's a risky combination though so you need to have a back up plan in case it doesn't work out.

also black mollies (well all mollies, but black one's especially so) are brackish fish. they are often sold as FW as they're so popular and they can *survive* in freshwater, however unless they're in salty water they will be enormously susceptible to disease and will get ill all the time. For them to be happy and *thrive* they should be kept in brackish conditions. If you do this you will limit your future choices for what fish you can put in the tank :/

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