My new tank


Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Derby, UK

Here's a piccy of my new tank, which I'm beginning to stock up !!! ;)

At the moment the only residents are two Bristlenose Plec's, about 1/2" long !!! ;)

Going to get some Cardinal Tetra's this weekend.

Any ideas for other fish to help Cycle the tank ?

Going for a nice community tank, nothing too specialised !!! ;)


Looks like cichilids would be most happy in that tank. Try adding some plants perhaps if you plan on making it tropical.
Yeah, going to get some plants this weekend to ;)

Not sure on Cichlids..... apparently they're quite difficult to keep, so I've heard anyway !!
kool tank

cichlids arnt hard to keep, quiet easy :nod:
lovely tank Andy!

Now the best part begins!!

Picking the fish.

Have a read up on fishless cycling, I'm gonna give it a try as soon as I get set up.
Cichlids aren't hard to keep at all, esspecially new worlds. But since this is your first tank I 'd say 'listen to your heart' ( :p ) and go with the community. It looks great! I can't wait to seeit with plants and fish!! :kana:
Good looking tank, I would go with a community, It is just so good to look at different things, get the tank cycled, and whilst it does this read up on some fish books, to get an idea of what you want.

Can't wait to see the finished result. Good luck
No offence intended dude, but thats HARDLY TOTM material... Its just a bare tank with a couple of bits of slate in it.

Do you guys nominate TOTM for fun? I would wait and see the tank when it is finished before I hand out a TOTM nomination for the sheer hell of it.

Sorry if i sound blunt, but its because of this kind of thing that the competitions are SO MASSIVE and they dont get finished.

*prepares flame proof suit*

i agree with bunji

*also prepares flame proof suit*

its a nice tank and everything but hardly TOTM

and all ive seen today are noms from u Konrad5 :/

its not good to get peoples hopes up like that. :no:

EDIT: and ive just looked agen and i see u posted before and never nominated it for TOTM :no:

i think someone has logged onto his account

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