My new tank!


Apr 19, 2004
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Kent, england
I bought a new fish tank on Friday, (woohoo) and I'm cycling it since Saturday.

1) Would putting real plants and tank water from both mine and my sister's tanks be a good idea to aid in cycling?

2) I'm gonna put an adult Sailfin molly, baby sailfin molly, common pleco and adult moonlight gourami in there. What else can I put in it? I know I will have to wait a week before adding more than these, these fish we already own.

I don't want neons, tetras or guppies or any more mollies. Anyone have ideas for interesting, colourful fish which are non aggressive?

Also, what are good shoaling fish? I want a little shoal.

Any advice warmly recieved
Oh, sorry! the tank is about 26 UK gallons.

I know about plecos getting big, cos it currently belongs to my sister, when it outgrows my new tank it will be getting rehomed to someone else, dunno who but we'll find somewhere!

Will plants help, because all I have at the mo is tapwater with gravel, and fake plants and decorations with the filter switched on.

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