My New Tank


New Member
Mar 31, 2011
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Hi all.

I recently bought a 10 gallon tank and am just about ready to add the fish, subject to water tests.

I have thought about initially just getting 3 platies (or should that be platys?). I don't want them to breed, so would 3 males or 3 females get on ok together? After a week or go I then want to add either 6-8 neons or 6-8 Harlequin Rasboras, can't decide yet (though not all at once). Would either of these get along with the platies? I'd also like to get some small cory catfish - what number would be ok, bearing in mind I don't want to overstock. Again, I wont be adding these until after all the neons or harlequins have been added.


The fish you've listed sound fine, just make sure the water isn't too acid (not good for the platys) or too alkaline (not good for the tetras/rasboras/corys) so keep the pH as near to 7 as you can. And yeah, groups of same sex platys usually get on swimmingly. (pun not intended)

I would only get 6 of the tetras/rasboras (whichever you prefer they'd both be fine with platys) keeping your tank size in mind, and a small group of 3/4 corys. More would be pushing it a bit, but so long you're dedicated with your water changes and have a half decent filter that should be fine.

A good website to plan fish tanks and assess stocking is A q Advisor . com

The fish you've listed sound fine, just make sure the water isn't too acid (not good for the platys) or too alkaline (not good for the tetras/rasboras/corys) so keep the pH as near to 7 as you can.

I would only get 6 of the tetras/rasboras (whichever you prefer they'd both be fine with platys) keeping your tank size in mind, and a small group of 3/4 corys. More would be pushing it a bit, but so long you're dedicated with your water changes and have a half decent filter that should be fine.

A good website to plan fish tanks and assess stocking is A q Advisor . com

Good luck!

I disagree, that website is good as an idea, but not good to plan your stocking on. Get advice from people on here before you buy from what that site says.

Most people say get a group of at least 6 corys, so maybe dwarf or pygmy are a better choice.

Ph is unlikely to be an issue worth thinking about as long as your tapwater is between 6-8
Thanks for the advice. Hopefully getting the Platys on Saturday.

I tested the ph a couple of days ago and it was 7.5 so should be ok.

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