My New Tank


Fish Fanatic
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
East London, England
Hi all

I just wanted to show my new tank off, its a 190 litre Juwel trigon...

OOOhhhhhhhh!!! :hyper:



looks very nice.

love the litttle angel

are you thinking of adding a background???

Hi tank looks nice.
Why do you have a stingray filter in the tank.Dont you have a filter behind the black case?
Just asking :good:
im guessing its his old filter with the mature media in it ;)

i thought angels had to be kept in pairs too?

i got a new tank today too :D almost got that one actually but kinda went alot bigger :lol:
Hi tank looks nice.
Why do you have a stingray filter in the tank.Dont you have a filter behind the black case?
Just asking

My stingrays in the tank as it has my mature media it, i will keep it in there for another 2 weeks or so then take it out, my Juwel filter is running in there as well :good:

Nice tank but you need a background. Was the gravel chosen by your daughter by any chance?

Lol yes it was how did you know! I bought a background today, ill put it up tomorrow evening

I know im probably overstocked in the tank, i have...

2 Angels

2 Siversharks

1 Pleco

3 Molies

2 Blue rainbows

2 Guppies, i think?...

If/when the sharks and plec outgrow the tank i may have to find them a suitable home or maybe upgrade my tank, i also feel the tank could look so much more striking, i just dont know what to do with the decoration of the tank/plants i would appreciate any ideas, anyway thanks for your comments guys :)
Angels do not school and hate to school. One by itself is ok.

You'll have problems with keeping many angel fish together, cus a few will get bullied and there will be one dominant angel
I'd only keep one
true but not a common sight. most angels are able to cohibit in the same tank with minimal aggression.

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