my new swordtails


New Member
Mar 11, 2005
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hi everyone, i am new to this forum, and new to fish as well.. your helps will be very much appreciated.

i bought 2 swordtails today, one pregnant and one male... the guy who sold me the fish told me that my female swordtail is going to drop anytime, but it doesn't sound to me that she is ready just yet. she has a small dark spot at her belly, and she still looks slim. I have put both of them in a small container with the water from the main tank. The container is pretty small, will she get too stressed out?? can she be mated with the male even when she is pregnant? should i put her back into the main tank? i have 15gallon of water in the main tank.
Right here is the time to be careful...

If you actually only have two swordtails, and i mean only, i ould actually suggest tank birthing, which means the female giving birth in the main tank, for you see the fry would have a high chance of surviving long enough for you to find them and net them out into a breeding trap or breeding net for raising, it is best you get a breeding trap or breeding net, because being seperate from the tank can actually create ALOT of stress... If the female gets too stressed she will abort her brithing, which means you will not get any fry, and in some cases this has actually turned south and a female has aborting and sent herself into such complications that it killed her...

Tank birthing, well you have to keep a close eye on things, fry will dive into small spaces, corners of the tanks, into brushes of dense plantage, or under rocks or if you gravel is large enough i get fry swim into the gravel just far enough so no fish can reach them...

Swordtails are cannibals, but if you catch the fry and put them in a breeding trap and such as i said, they will grow up pretty fast with good care, and you could be looking at a bigger populations of swordtails in you tank for the future

if u do leave her in a small container put something over the top of it so she cant jump out :crazy: , because my guppy jumped out and when i noticed she wasnt in the container i was really scared i was sitting next to her :crazy: shes recovering now :nod: but sadly her babies were dead :( !!! :rip: :eek:

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