My New Sorority!


Fish Crazy
Apr 30, 2011
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia
Finally took some photos of the ladies for you guys and a shot of their home if anyone was interested. Everyone is doing well (can you tell I'm a little proud at the moment). Still need help with names. Beside everyone's photo I'll let you know their personalities. If anyone could help with tail and colour clarrification that'd be great. If I know the rays I'll put that up too :good: A few ladies are being particularly difficult to photo and let me count rays :grr:

They are in a 200L (approx.), 4ft tank. Planted as you can see. There is 5 female bettas, one veiltail angel (Rocky), four khuli loaches (one is a black actually), 2 male guppies (freebies from the lfs as they jumped in the net when they were catching me a cory), 5 long/high fin pepper corys and 3 albino corys.
The tank

First up we have 'little black'. You might remember she had a pretty well chewed tail when I first bought her. It's grown back beautifully! She's bigger than the others and might I add can be a little madame! She patrols the back of the tank and the right side by the looks of things but doesn't hesitate to tell someone where to go. She is also impossible to photo...these photos don't do her justice! She's black with purple speckles, 4rays. Thinking of calling her Queen B.

Next we have 'little blue'. She's really pretty, again 4rays from what I can see but she's only tiny so very difficult to see. She tends to hide in the piece of driftwood unless little black chases her out :grr: Her and little red have had a few 'flaring confrontations' but no nipping or much chasing. She's very pretty though, a slight marbling pattern I think.
Hiding under a banana lily leaf
Off in the distance

I'll move on to 'little red'. This is the one I was certain was a male :rolleyes: She's very showy, I think she's a crowntail as she has the spikey tail and fins. She's red and irridecent silver. I'm going to call her Prisilla (Queen of the desert) purely because I thought she was a very pretty male :lol: She likes to hang around the piece of bogwood, but doesn't hesitate to go snooping in little blues driftwood.
In her bogwood
And again

Now to start on the two newest additions. This little (same size as black) red girl I am sure is a VT...2rays? She came to me a little chewed up but doing great now. She tends to keep to herself and is only just starting to check the place out. She tends to stick to the left side of the tank. She is only now starting to fade the stress bars, but they still come back every so often. I think she's doing well though, no troubles eating or anything.
She's quiet bright

Last but certainly not least, my little light blue what I think is a cambodian? female. No idea on rays, she's tiny! I absolutely love her colouring though! She was on the thin side when I bought her but she's eating well so I have high hopes for her. She's such a sweety and keeps to herself. She reminds me of a little girl off in her fairy land. I wanted to call her Odette (like the Swan Princess) but I'm not sure. Any ideas? She tends to hide in the fluffy plant up the back, under the banana lily leaf or cruising around the front left. She's a favourite :wub:

Hope you like :)
Nice tank!
I'm just starting to get into live plants for my set ups...

Don't worry about the names too much, they will come to you!

I'm still waiting on some of mine to find the one that fits them (lol not like the fish seem to really care what they are called!) it's funny how some of them just come so easily, and others happen unexpectedly, and still others nothing you call them seems to really "fit"
Pick easy plants that grow fast. I don't have time, money or patience for the slow, high care plants :lol: I refuse to use a CO2 system or special substrate...I'm a uni student so therefore money and time poor. I would love to learn how to use the CO2 systems though as they seem really interesting.
I'm hoping the plants to the right grow soon as it's starting to look off balanced. I have no idea what any of them are called except the amazon sword, borneo sword and banana lily. BTW, highly recommend the banana lily. Grows like crazy and makes for an interesting viney looking piece.
I am starting to worry that I managed to kill Java moss (which I understand is pretty much the equivillant of aquarium weeds) so far my euglia seems happy enough and I have some water wisteria and Xmas moss coming this week... I am hoping I get better results this time :)
I found Java Moss quiet easy to grow :/ Do you have enough light? I have found in my shrimp tank it doesn't really want to grow too well but since I've put some on a rock into the 4ft it's gone nuts.
I'm not sure what it is really... I just figured it was an extreme case of a "brown thumb" (they have full spectrum... I am suspecting my filter and tank current may have been a factor. One never knows these things.

Easy and Low maintenance are plussed for me, I am like you in that there seems to be a shortage of free time to do what you want, but an unlimited supply of activity in my life... But slightly different reasons. :) anyway I'm having another go at the plants myself... I'm just not sure how complicated it may get, as much as I love "cool accessories" I prefer to keep things simple. That and I really want a cool moss wall for
My fry! And for backgrounds...
Your tank is looking great :thumbs: :cool: and as the various inhabitants grow up the tank will look really colourful.

I think selecting the names will be best done as you get to know their different personalisties better, then any names should just leap out at you and seem right. When I have a bit more time I shall take a longer look at all the pictures.

Plant wise in my tanks I just can't beat elodea, the only thing that almost kills it is 100+ bristle nose fry munching on it 24/7 :lol: . My moss in my shrimp tank has literally taken off and is slowly filling the tank I think aside from good light it just needs low water current and something (like shrimp) to keep the leaves clean.
Am thinking filter current maybe? The one in the shrimp tank sits under the filter flow so maybe why it doesn't want to grow.

Would just like to point out the banana lily leaf everyone loved so much got massacred last night...not sure who is the culprit :p
That's a shame about the banana lily, but given time it will sprin right back from the assult.

I really like little blue, she reminds me a bit of one of my girls, but my girl has more red with blue hi-lights. Have fun with your soriety :good: .

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