My New Set Up


Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
Worcester park, Surrey, UK
Hi, mine can be seen from this Link.

My Tank

Well it all started a few months ago in a little place called Surrey…

I came across a company called N&D who built a custom 36â€￾x24â€￾x24â€￾, 340L, 75 Gallon tank with matching stand and hood for me. They are great, good quality well made but at a very reasonable price and very quick.

I then ordered a Eheim 2128 filter that came a couple a days later and set that up on my existing tank to give it a head start for my new tank.

Well a couple of weeks later the tank arrived, and it is a beauty.


I had a couple of days of work so got started with the crushed coral and ocean rock then installed the filter using the media from my existing filter and stuffing it in and most of the water as well.

I already had 5 cardinals and 8 platies in my old tank which were then housed in there new home for about 2 months while I cycled the tank. They were then re-housed by my LFS.

I started looking at stocking ideas and decided that I wanted to keep a Pseudotropheus Saulosi species tank.

I currently have 2 Males and 6 Females who are all doing very well. They are all juveniles at the moment but the Males colours are started to come through. I have also got my LFS to get some more ps Saulosi in as im looking to have 4 or 5 Males and 15 or 16 Females eventually. But when I get to that stage I will invest in a second filter.






Ive not decided yet if I like the layout of the ocean rock so will move that about and probably get some more to pile up in the corner where the filter pipe is.

Any suggestions and comments are very welcome, I dare say i will be playing about with it for months before Im completely happy with it.
Its looks very good!

I agree with what you said. Pile up the rock and even get more! I personally like the un-balenced look in some circumstances. I think a big pile of rocks that the fish can swim in and out of is good, then have an open area that has like nothing. I like that look in a tank usually.
is that really 36 inch wide, looks like about 24" in the photo

it looks realy nice
That is a lovely tank! Love the new rock layout, looks really natural and makes the tank look heaps bigger. I am sure the fish love it too! :good:
Personally i'd put 1 or two small peices in the bare part, and bring some of the ones at the back forward so it's like going up a mountain, rather than a wall if you get me. Still looks great though!

great lookin tank.ever thought about synos? acouple S. Petricola would look great in that tank

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