My New Plecs


PleC & CorY MaD
May 4, 2008
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hi all just wanted 2 show my new plecs :) so so cute !!!!!

my 7 inch L128 blue phantom



and my 4-5 inch L200 green phantom


thanx all for looking :)

where do you get them from? how many tanks do you have for plecs? how many per tank?
where do you get them from? how many tanks do you have for plecs? how many per tank?

all my tanks are plec tanks m8 i dont keep anythink other than cory's but i got rid of a group of adolfoi cory's 2 day 2 make room for these monsters :) how many per tank depends on species m8 also on size smaller 1's obviously can be kept in bigger groups eg 260's/66's/46's134's etc etc but as u can imagine bigger 1's need a tad more space :) i have 5 tanks in all so far lol and the plecs are just spread into sep groups these new 1's are in a temperary 120 ltr 3 foot tank which is sufficient at the moment till i buy a few more of the species :)

as 2 where i get them basically its just knowing ppl m8 ppl in the trade breeders and even down 2 repitable fish shops but these were 2 hard 2 turn down 128 is full grown wild caught adultand the 200 is also wild caught and is an adult but still a couple inches 2 grow but both are stunning :)
nice Green Phantom. Should be getting one in about a month. £40 :( worth every penny though, amazing.

Just a quick Q regarding the l200 - Are these compatible with any type of shrimp? ie Bamboo Shrimp or Jamponica shirmp?
nice Green Phantom. Should be getting one in about a month. £40 :( worth every penny though, amazing.

Just a quick Q regarding the l200 - Are these compatible with any type of shrimp? ie Bamboo Shrimp or Jamponica shirmp?

cheers for the comments all as for the shrimp m8 i have no experience but plecs dont really pay much attention 2 them imo so as long te shrimp are big enough they should be fine :)
Smashing couple of Plecs, especially the Green Phantom, which is a fish that I really want myself......

How much did you pay? £7...??..... :blink:
beautiful fish. I used to have these and in the flesh I think the L128 is a beter looking fish especially when the light catches it in a certainon way
Smashing couple of Plecs, especially the Green Phantom, which is a fish that I really want myself......

How much did you pay? £7...??.ncx.... :blink:

i actually paid nothink m8 ended up been a swap for spme fish i got for free :) so a win win situation all round ;)

beautiful fish. I used to have these and in the flesh I think the L128 is a beter looking fish especially when the light catches it in a certainon way

couldnt agree with u more the blue phantom just has that wow look about them and so stunning when at 5 inch plus :)
Can you explain the thread title, for the past week everytime I read it I go crossed eyed trying to figure out what the hell "Not bad for 6 Discus pmsl" is supposed to mean.
Can you explain the thread title, for the past week everytime I read it I go crossed eyed trying to figure out what the hell "Not bad for 6 Discus pmsl" is supposed to mean.

LOL ....... stems from this thread HERE m8 ...think ull understand once ead lol :p

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