My New Pleco. I Have Been Wanting This Guy.


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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So I have been wanting a Rubber nose pleco for a long time. The only place that has them was a LFS that I would not buy any fish from. I went to one of my favorite LFS and saw a few little 2" Rubbers. So I had to have one. I took him home he is in my 55 gal with 3 NW cichlids and a Albino BN female. The Cichlids are always checking him out. My EBJD tried to nip at him. He is settling in right now.

Anyone have any personal info on these guys. I have read lots of things on the inter net about them. My tank is at 75F=23c I will be adding another filter for extra water flow as well as filtration. I'm just wondering if your is out in site or do they hide a lot? I have Lots of real rocks and a big chunk of wood for hide outs.

Here is my new Pleco.



He needs to fatten up a bit i think. I'm sure he will once he adjust. All my other plecos always did.
Nice :) Rubberlips are some of my favorites good for all tanks, as far as I know though some of them like to be in groups but it depends on the L number (which with chats can be a bit confusing) do you know which one yours is?
He is settling in well. He likes it by the bubbles so does my BN. They are getting along. I'm pretty sure he is a L187b Chaetostoma sp. (1) The most common ones found in the Aquarium trade.

This guy is kind of skinny I know you should only buy plecos that are fat and happy. But Im a sucker for animals in need. I'm feeding one waffer every night when the lights are out to help him. I also have plenty of brown algae for him to graze on. I hope he does ok. my other plecos always started out a bit thin.
Update he seems to be doing well. I noticed he was pooping so that means he is eatting so woohoo he should be ok and fatten up.
Update be is doing awesome. His eyes were sunken in so was his belly when I first got him. The 2 things you don't what Ina pleco right. Well it's been a week and his eyes are no longer sunken in his belly is filling out. He is always out and about. I added more water movment to the tank my bn and bulldog are loving it. The tank is more like a slow stream. Both plecos are chilling on a big chunk of wood Right were the water flows.

I'm so happy with this little guy and so glad he is looking 100% better. If you want a pleco that is like a bn but not one the bulldog pleco is for you. I just love this guy. I will post some photos of him now so you can see the change.

Here he is now. Look at that cute face. :wub:


Wow, he looks like a totally different pleco! Great work.

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