My New Planted Tank


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
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This tank has been running for about 6 weeks now. Its a ViAqua 380 (38L) wth following spec:

11W standard light in hood
Standard filter built in to hood
Nutrafin DIY CO2
Selection of quick growing stem plants (no real algae bloom as yet :shifty: )
6 Cardinal tetras
3 Amano shrimp
Add nutrafin plant gro once a week/after water change

I am going to remove current light and add a 24W Interpet PC (daylight plus bulb) in a couple weeks, should just fit in hood with a bit of DIY.

Full tank pic:

One of the shrimp having a munch:

And another:

Close up:

Once things settle down after the new light goes in, will remove some of stems and try a riccia carpet and add a tiger lilly, lovely plants.

I plan to re-do my trigon 190 in a couple of months so will move the cardinals and shrimp over, and will probably stock this one with a dwarf puffer and a few ottos.

I have noticed the plant in the bottom left (think its a echinodorus tenellus) is sprouting little runners, will these grow into new plants?


Any suggestions greatly appreciated :good:
Wow that is looking great, love the driftwood and the plants! :good:
Fantastic looking tank.You must be real proud. Well done wish mine looked that boo hoo :crazy: :whistle:
Very nice, I love all of the stem plants. :good:

Soon you will have to prune the stem plants and they will become even more bushier and luscious, it's good you have a lot of plants, a common mistake IMO is people just don't add enough plants. If you upgrade the lighting, you'll notice a visible increase in growth, be wary of algae although, and makes sure CO2 stays at stable levels. The runners from the E. tennelus will sprout to be new plants and if left eventually the foreground will be covered with an attractive carpet.

I also love the shrimp, nice tank it looks awesome.

Wow, very impressive. Enter it into the PFK competition. Keep up the good work.
Nice tank! "Jungle look" is one of my favourite themes :D It's amazing you have managed to fit so many plants into such a small tank. Great job! :good:
thanks for all your kind words :good:

faced a lot of domestic opposition creating this 2nd tank, managed to blag it as a 'temporary tank' to house the existing fish in other tank whilst i re-do it... as far as she knows it will be going soon, yeah right!

Love the heavy planted look. Trying it myself but unlike your setup mine just looks like the plant storage tank at the LFS. :angry: Hey, you are not going to get away without one little critisism......that label on you powerhead spoils the whole effect. Can't you stick something over it?
Love the heavy planted look. Trying it myself but unlike your setup mine just looks like the plant storage tank at the LFS. :angry: Hey, you are not going to get away without one little critisism......that label on you powerhead spoils the whole effect. Can't you stick something over it?

good point well made, will try and sort something out :rolleyes:

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