Just been informed that they are not grasshoppers but are infact locusts. I'm guessing (from experience) that they could be quite nasty if they are locusts.
Umm... if that is what they are... hope you didnt pay much...
Because that image is identical to the feeder locusts i feed my chameleon!!!
They are voracious plant eaters and do need plenty of greenery to stay alive, are ok when little but as adults they can bite fairly hard bu wont do any damage, barely pierce skin.
Dont let em loose outside, will probably surviveand devour plants
And the only thing the have in common with grasshoppers is that they are an insect lol
Nothing anyone can say will put me off my babies! Even if it's the truth! I would never abandon them outside and they will stay with me until they die. They get lot's of green veg to eat fresh everyday.