Accually, they should be called painted parrots, Jellybean Parrots is a cross between a Pink Convict male and a Blood Parrot female. The true Jellybean Parrots aren't nessesarily dyed.
a lfs never heard of un-dyed parrts, thats a new one, i really think you should take these pics down not only are they Disgusting but after everything you read about them from peoples experiance you go ahead and buy them, some people, go figure.
Even the "regular" parrots are cross species! They don't exist in the wild, so having dyed ones means their existance is doubly unnatural . . . and most some-what experienced keepers would use the word "painful" as well . . .
It's his fish and your personal opinions about the fish has nothing to do with him posting pictures. You can't make him remove it just because you don't like it.
Nice fish..i dont agree with dying stuff and all..but id much rather be a painted fish in a tank of someone who loves fish, than a painted fish in an LFS tank!