My New Pair

They are both really beautiful, royal blues are awesome! :hey: I think you pretty much got the tail types and colors down... except, I might guess that your boy is a Halfmoon based on that 2nd pic! He's a nipped up HM too! Is he a fin-biter? If so, definitely wait until he has stopped and there's plenty of healthy regrowth before spawning.

Are they spawn siblings? ;) they really look alike! Where'd you get them?
The reason I'm thinking super delta is - It's almost 180 degrees but not quite and the ends of the first and last rays are a bit shorter than the rest. Fin damage is from shipping I'm guessing. There is some regrowth this week. I'll have better pics in a few days. They are related but not sibs. I'm waiting on more info from the breeder. Apparently there is some show(s) keeping everyone busy.

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