So it turns out the fish I bought yesterday are Stiphodon atropurpureus, a goby native to hong kong.
I'm trying to find out as much as I can about them on the internerd, and I'm struggling a bit.
I'm hoping that relates to the newt
That sounds really cool, I noticed before I went to bed last night that the fish I have (all females) had a very neon blue stripe appear on their cheeks, I assumed they were just settling in.
That site has some pictures of a male and female pairs at the very bottom, very cute.
These are 2 females.
Anyone know anything else about them? I only have females but I know wildwoods has males in (not cheap ) so I might grab some from there. Anyone got experience with these?
Many thanks!
I'm trying to find out as much as I can about them on the internerd, and I'm struggling a bit.
Four pairs of this beautiful and locally rare goby were seen for sale in a shop, which has a regular supply of locally collected fish and other aquatic animals (including metamorphosing Hong Kong Newt Paramesotriton hongkongensis). This tiny animal, measuring no more than 5 cm in total length and 5 grams in weight, was priced at $550 Hong Kong Dollar for a pair!
I'm hoping that relates to the newt
cloud79 16-06-2003 12:33 AM
The uncle claimed that it can change to 3 colours. Maybe someone can id it and tell us bout this mysterious goby!!
stormhawk 16-06-2003 12:52 AM
yeah it does change colours. when it's in full colouration the whole body turns into a neon-blue colour with red edges to the dorsal and adipose fins. when it's in fright colouration, the body colour turns into a pale grey colour and the neon blue head stripe turns pale blue. the middle colour stage is when the fish has a dark greyish body with a bright blue headstripe.
That sounds really cool, I noticed before I went to bed last night that the fish I have (all females) had a very neon blue stripe appear on their cheeks, I assumed they were just settling in.
That site has some pictures of a male and female pairs at the very bottom, very cute.
These are 2 females.
Anyone know anything else about them? I only have females but I know wildwoods has males in (not cheap ) so I might grab some from there. Anyone got experience with these?
Many thanks!