My New Nano Reef (with Pictures)


New Member
Dec 15, 2005
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Hey All,

I recently picked up a 12 gallon nano cube which I am loving so far. First time I ever tried a tank this small, but after 8 weeks it is running great. The link below is pictures of the tank with live sand and live rock for cycling.

I will be uploading more updated photos now that the tank has a yellow goby, firefish and yellow toadstool added.

Welcome aboard. Looks good. Magfloat police....when you get your beautiful corals and fish in there, get that dadburn ratta sassa #%^&^* Magfloat out of the pic. SH
Welcome aboard. Looks good. Magfloat police....when you get your beautiful corals and fish in there, get that dadburn ratta sassa #%^&^* Magfloat out of the pic. SH

No love for the Magfloat huh LOL. Thing comes in handy sometimes when the snails are too lazy to do their job. I have just added a couple of small gobies and have a spaghetti finger coral and a yellow toadstool on order at the LFS. When they arrive and I get the new pics I will post it.

Keane is correct that it is the 12 gal Nano Cube. There are two flavors of it the base 12 gal and the deluxe. Mine is the deluxe which means it has double the lighting power 48 watts instead of 24 for the regular.

I actually purchased a 24 gal deluxe nano cube, that just came in yesterday. It has 72 watts of 50/50 pc lighting. I have just started to set it up. Hopefully some good pictures to follow on that one as well.

Was teasing about the magfloat. I have one and they work great. It's just a pet peeve of mine like some people are the 'tang police'. From an artistic standpoint, the MF is a bright block under the draws your eye to it. It just never made sense to put in so much time and effort to setup up a beautiful nano tank...and then take pix of it with a Magfloat front and center. SH
Give it a month or so and I am sure the magfloat will be covered in beautiful purple and pink coraline algae!

Nice setup. I really like these smaller tanks that are appearing lately. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Navarre, I like the nano setups because they come close to ready to go out of the box and keep the cost down on putting together a pretty tank (I also think they look sharp).

Just have to be really religous on keeping up with the testing and maintenance as there is not a lot of room for error. Also partial water changes are a must since the volume of water is so small.

Here are some updated pics of my 12 gal nano cube (got a couple of fish and some more snails)

I also purchased a 24 gal nano cube, so that I can have a setup with a nice live rock reef but more fish than what my 12 can support. Here are the initial pics of the 24 gal setup.

If thats the JBJ 24Gallon be VERY careful with it. They made the glass too thin and consequently people have had cracks form and even whole tanks blow out if they arent careful. Just be very slow positioning stuff so as not to bash the glass and put it under further pressure.

Ben have you heard of the glass breaking with both the 12 gallon and the newer 24 gallon models?


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