My New Maze Coral


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
Reaction score
Got this one on Saturday

Looks lovely in the tank hopefully it will do well, read the write up on it in Eric Bornemans book and I can cater for it

anyone else had one or keep one
Oooo Brains on my top list of favorite corals :hyper: Have a couple at my work atm, thought about getting one but a favia came home instead :blush: Wonderful and beautiful corals, ncie one you have there :good:
do you know exactly what type it is Nemo? I thought acuta after looking on other site but then borneman book indicates another platygyra Ded... something
do you know if these are best on the substrate?

I have only seen the tentacles once in the time i;ve had it :crazy:
Brains generally do well on the substrate. He probably puts out his feeding tentacles when the lights are off. If you spray some food on him it'll probably coax him as well.
hes on the substrate now so will leave him there

Funny enough I saw somelittle fans that pop in and out really quickly from it, they look very bizarre when they pop out
I don;t think that I am seeing the best from this coral

It seems to be fading in areas , bleaching maybe?

I;ve only seen the long feeders once

Its on the substrate and I wonder if I;m not providing enough light?
It could be many things

1. How old are your tubes?
2. What is your Mag Level?
3. What is your KH Level?
4. What is your CA Level?
5. How much flow has it got?
It could be many things

1. How old are your tubes?
2. What is your Mag Level?
3. What is your KH Level?
4. What is your CA Level?
5. How much flow has it got?

just checked the CA level and its far too low again at 260, its that bloomin ready mix water from the LFS,
260 is very low I would invest in a bucket of salt and mix your own up if ready mix is coming in that low D&D H2Ocean is my salt of choice
260 is very low I would invest in a bucket of salt and mix your own up if ready mix is coming in that low D&D H2Ocean is my salt of choice

I will in future :good:

I had done in two water water changes recently but just got ready mix on sunday as I was bit pressed for time.

when I mixed my own it was 460 if memory serves me right so a noi brainer I suppose

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