My New Male Betta... Names?


New Member
Oct 28, 2011
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Like my Glorfindel, he's a walmart betta. I saw him yesterday, and just couldn't get him off my mind, so I went back today, and he was still there. So I got him and a small 1 gallon temporary tank. I'm going to be keeping him in that until I can get a divider for my 5 gallon tank. And to make sure he doesn't have anything that Glorf can get. :)

So yeah... anyone have any name ideas? I like fantasy/elvish/pagan type of names... as Glorfindel has proven. :p His face/head is black, whereas most of hte rest of him is just a very irridescent color... kinda gray... so I'm having a hard time figuring out whether it's blue or green... and there's some almost purplish color on his fins, just very shiney... but yeah... Crowntail... I like him... :)

Here are the pictures I have.



Garrik, ephriam, Drako, kiyo, rahu, tatsu, all I can think of right now
How about Rune, or Sorester ?
I'm kinda thinking about the Drako... except instead of that... Khal Drogo... or Drogo... like from Game of Thrones... :p I'm such a geek. But yeah. :)
nothing wrong with being a geek, I'm a gamer so I'm into all that stuff... :wizard:
battlefield 3 is WAAAAYYYYYYY better!!!!! :good:
If you play xbox, you should totally add me. My gamer tag is the same as my name on here :p

I should probably contribute to the post as well. I was looking at the black face on your lil boy there (and he's a beaut!) What about Bandit?
I'm not as much of a gamer fan as much as I am a movie/book fan... and I get REALLY into different tv shows... :p But yes... I think Drogo likes his name. :p So now I have Glorfindel and Khal Drogo... or Glorf and Drogo for short. :)
I'm not as much of a gamer fan as much as I am a movie/book fan... and I get REALLY into different tv shows... :p But yes... I think Drogo likes his name. :p So now I have Glorfindel and Khal Drogo... or Glorf and Drogo for short. :)
Thats cool. I name my bettas to their personalities/coloring. I have a Blue/White DT Halfmoon named Ice, a blue CT named Flare(guess what he loves to do) and a Purple/Pink/Blue Veiltail named Rockstar....I also have an un-named female...
LOL I am a major LOTR geek and I am also a girly gamer (albeit casually) it's funny how we seem to sort of shoal and find similar interests.

Since the majority of my Bettas are pure white, they have sort of color themed names (Winter, Milady De Winter, Snowdrop, Permafrost, Luminossa, Giladriel) and my solid black got the name Lestat (although, I do call him "Gothie" more than anything)

My boyfriend is a hardcore gamer, his HM is named "Skyrim" and "Captain America" his red, white, and blue (but most of the time he gets called "Sammy" lol)

It's fun giving them names
I figured if I ever got a red female I'd have to call her Nariko (because Heavenly Sword was one of my favorites)
Pegasus?..or he has a blackhead?! (ok i wont give up my day job)
i like Bandit though :nod:
haha if my BF had any fish all of them would be named Skyrim :p
I absolutley LOVE Game of Thrones!!! :p
And all these names are awesome :hyper:
For a Spikey crowntaill, I'd go with a kInd of villany name... Like Nazgul, or Angmar (because I loved "the Witchking of Angmar" from return of the king, and he was all kinds of spikey in the movie) or some sort of Goth sounding name from the Underworld franchise that is overly complicated but fun to say with an English accent in a movie voice-over sort of way! ;)

If he were red and black I'd suggest calling him Balrog (so that if anyone ever asks you about it you can channel Gandalf and roar out; "YOU... SHALL NOT...PASS!!!" because let's be honest names are FUN like that!)

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