Fish Addict
Well, I finally reached a verdict to my tough decisions that I had to make...what fish I'm going to be putting in my 55 gallon!!! Here are the standings:
For a center-piece for the whole tank...
1 Blood Parrot Cichlid
For the rest...
6 cardinal tetras
5 black skirt tetras
3 albino corries
2 peppered corries
2 kribs
2 Sailfin Mollies
2 Sailfin Platies
2 Pearl Gourmis
There ya have it! I was going for a colorful, active, full tank! I can't wait til my tank finishes cycling!!! I'm so glad to get inot Freshwater now!
For a center-piece for the whole tank...
1 Blood Parrot Cichlid
For the rest...
6 cardinal tetras
5 black skirt tetras
3 albino corries
2 peppered corries
2 kribs
2 Sailfin Mollies
2 Sailfin Platies
2 Pearl Gourmis
There ya have it! I was going for a colorful, active, full tank! I can't wait til my tank finishes cycling!!! I'm so glad to get inot Freshwater now!