My new lineup!


Fish Addict
Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin, USA
Well, I finally reached a verdict to my tough decisions that I had to make...what fish I'm going to be putting in my 55 gallon!!! Here are the standings:

For a center-piece for the whole tank...
1 Blood Parrot Cichlid
For the rest...
6 cardinal tetras
5 black skirt tetras
3 albino corries
2 peppered corries
2 kribs
2 Sailfin Mollies
2 Sailfin Platies
2 Pearl Gourmis

There ya have it! I was going for a colorful, active, full tank! I can't wait til my tank finishes cycling!!! I'm so glad to get inot Freshwater now!
Ron said:
Yes, its a 55 gallon. Being filtered 600 times per hour. :)
you have a 33,000GPH filter attached to your tank? So you've somehow manage to get many volunteer fire companies to hook their trucks to your tank.

My old suggestions is perhaps hill stream loaches I think they may be able to swim in that sort of current :lol:
LOL!!!!! I meant gallon per hour! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rolleyes: Again, I messed up on filteration power!!! :p :lol: :rofl:
I have 2- 170 biowheels
1- 100 biowheel
1- Power Filter at 150 gallons an hour...adding up to about 600 gallons per hour
One quetion...been reading a book about Kribensis. I read that they can be kept in a community aquarium, but are aggresive. I also heard they can shred tankmates fins apart. Is this true, are most kribs like this? Did I make a good choice on looking to get kribs with the other fish I want? I really want kribs, and they other fish? Is this book just talking about extreme cases? Do you think that I'll be okay if I have a good cave for the kribs to live in and some extra plants for the other fish to get away from the kribs as well?
Also, a note on their breeding...I'm aware that I have to get a pair of kribs. And I'm also aware that they breed readily and are very aggressive during breeding to other tankmates. Is this a problem, will the kribs be bullying and even harming my other fish during breeding? What do I do when they start to breed? I don't want them to wreck havick in my tank! Let me know what you think.

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