My New Lfs Girl


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
Yesterday I gave her some Hikari gold. Today it is molding in the bottom of the tank and the filter. Today I have tried black worms, blood worms and an Aquarian shrimp pellet. She's not touching anything.

It might take awhile for her to get used to her new surroundings but she will eventually get hungry! Maybe try some cucumber, zucchini, or even a banana chunk.
Saturday, I thought she was eating. I got called into work unexpectedly. Been busy since. You know she's not flirting with the boys or messing with her neighbor. She goes over to look at Roxana, but mostly not much interested in anything. Maybe she's had a lot of moves and just has jet lag.

I will try a veggie.
She went over to look at the nuked cucumber, sniffed, and driffed away. I have to vacum I guess; there are bloodworms, etc,. all over the tank bottom.
I've got some boys here who would just beg for the chance to come in and hoover all that up; of all things, a betta with a dainty appetite! :lol: You're being so good to her, trying all those foods, but maybe just give her a day or two to rest and then try again. She'll probably be indignant you waited so long! :p
The 2 new guys I got from Thailand a couple weeks ago still don't eat properly. One has decided to start trying the pellets the other hasn't eaten but a few. They aren't even real interested in FBW's.

I think they just need to get acclimated to their new surroundings sometimes. Each one is different, just like people.

(I'd like to note just in case you didn't know..not saying you don't. You wanna pull those pellets out before they mold (or atleast right when you see them)..that's just a nasty infection waiting to happen. I always pull mine after 5 minutes if they haven't eaten I don't forget and they get moldy later.

Anywho..I just wouldn't give her anything for about 4 days then try her again. She's not gonna starve to death..unless she's already just pitifully skinny..which I don't remember her being, from the pics. Bettas can actually go quite a long time without eating.

**side note**
Did you know some in species of birds, the female will actually starve themselves to get the male to hang around longer? I read that just the other day (can't for the life of me remember where though..too much reading lately lol..not enough Jennie to go around in the memory department though lol.)

So it would make sense that some fish might do the same as well. Maybe she is just too stressed from all the commotion to eat right now.
Maybe make it where she can't see any of your other fish for a few days, then gradually wean her into seeing them more and more. She might just not be used to that.
Thanks, SRC.

I have heard and seen the results of uneaten food. I usually have enough critters to takecare of small leftovers, but my critter supply is stretched thin with new tanks, and she is leaving more than a few bites.

I will give her tank another sweep up, put her on a fast, isolate her. Perhaps I will put her on the desk. She does come over to me. Sometimes I think she looks lonely or bored.

She tugs at my heart. I think she comes from fighter stock--not that she's fought.

Speaking of pics--where are they? I'm getting lots of red x's.

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