My New Kitten!


Fish Addict
Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
Ohio, USA
this is my new kitten!! her name is Calla!

her parrents were strays, and her siblings were attacked by dogs :crazy:

so i took her!! she is about 4 weeks old. she loves me and crys when i put her down!! sooo cute!!! she sleeps on me 2!!!

i love her!!!!

Beautiful little calico kitten!!!! She's lovely. Is she eating well? She's still a bit young to be apart from mama. Don't forget to take her for her first set of vaccines at about 8 weeks old. Congratulations!!
Beautiful little calico kitten!!!! She's lovely. Is she eating well? She's still a bit young to be apart from mama. Don't forget to take her for her first set of vaccines at about 8 weeks old. Congratulations!!

she eats like a pig!! she wont drink from the bottle but will from a bowl
She looks really cute, I love calico cats! My family is looking at getting a kitten.

thats great!! get a stray!! they live longer and from my experience are alot friendlier!!

all of my cats have been strays!!

thay have a higher immunity.


and if u have a dog introduce them and give them both attention. and it is better to get a kitten if you have a dog because usually older cats dont like dogs.

i had a stray that loved my dog and even played with him like she was a dog!! lol

she passed with leuchemia not too long ago... :-(

this new kitten follows my dog and he seems to be afraid!! :p :lol:
Ohh wow :wub: adorable!!! My cat was a stray, and I have another 2 that I feed - strays are definitely more appreciative of affection
Is her tummy big? She's still really young, but I thought they did poo by now :huh:

And kitten poo STINKS, so you'd definitely know about it, lol :p I think if I were you i'd try massaging her tummy after she eats, might help things on their natural course :)
What's she been fed on?, at that age you should be substititing moms milk with somethink like lactol(sp)

She is beautiful though :)

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