My New Jewel Vision 180 Marine Setup


Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2009
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Here is my first step into marine fishkeeping!

I bought this from a chap local to me who was selling due to upgrading in July (2011)

I didnt pay alot for it at all!

He hadnt cleaned the filter out and had literally just drained out the tank so it absoulutley hum dinged!
Got it home and straight into the back yard to be pressure washed out. Brought it back inside and gonna bleach the inside and clean out the filter properly. Inside the weir was probably worst with what i can only describe as little spider thingys hanging all over. Gave it all a good scrub but it still smells pretty bad.
With the tank came

Jewel Vision 180 Tank & Stand
Tetratec EX700 External Filter
3x Brand New Carbon Packs
2x Brand New Filter Wool.
Pump inside the weir
2x Jewel Complete Light Units
3x Marine White Tubes
4x Marine Blue(i think) Tubes
2x Red Sea Protein Skimmers (he said one was just a bit noisey so got a new one)

I think that was all! but for the money i paid i couldnt complain.

Im going to run it with Live Rock as the main filter but with the canister filter with some noodles and bio balls but mainly just as a muck trap to keep the water clean.

Here are the pictures from when i got it home and cleaned out before attacking with some bleachy water! Am gonna mix the bleach down to about a capfull for a 5l bucket of water which should hopefully be weak enough but ill still rinse it out well

Untitled by Philuk56, on Flickr

Untitled by Philuk56, on Flickr

Untitled by Philuk56, on Flickr

Untitled by Philuk56, on Flickr

Thanks for looking!
Looks FUN! Beware of nitrate factories in the canister filter and bio balls tho. I took my canister filter OFF because nitrates were reading higher. A water change and a few days later, no more nitrates.

Keep us updated!

Looks like a nice tank to play with. I echo Saltnoob on the bioballs. I've never used them, though.

I will be running LiveRock in the tank aswell so hopefully the nitrates should be kept under control. I will be doing regular tests and water changes anyways =) will keep you updated. gonna attack it with white vinegar tonight to try and clean it some more!
got it cleaned as best as i can really. so just need to get some more gear then ill be about ready to get starter properly!

bought a powerhead today from the LFS will get another one aswell i think for the other side. altho the tank still has its standard filter area but with all the guts taken out and just the powerhead still running to keep some flow going around!
Pics as promised :)



Thanks for looking :)
Well went to maidenhead aquatics at beverly today and the other aquatic centre further down the road! cant think of the name tbh!

In the first one(not maidenhead) i saw a V2 Pure50 RO Unit for £99.95. Went to maidenhead and they had the same unit with the TDS Meter for £130 ish. I couldnt remember if the first one had tds meter in it. Asked behind the counter and they priced matched it for me! Kerrching! So bought a new thermometer and some shells and a background and my new RO unit. Just need to get it plummed in now. :)



:) Getting somewhere now! . Gonna buy some marine sand and some salt on Monday then i can get it all wet! Sold my old tank and delivering it on tuesday so should be able to buy some live rock on thursday or friday. Only downside to it being that Maidenhead at beverly are the closest to me that sell cured LR and its an hours drive which sucks! but hey ho!
As the song that the streets did, it was sposed to be so eaaasssy! Well it all went tits up! Putting the ro unit in I dropped the u piece that goes on the back of the copper pipe when your piercing it for the water input and the worst bit is. It doesn't go just under the kitchen cupboard there is a gap that goes into the cavity wall and bye bye it's gone! So need to get another one of those! Poo! Lol
That sucks. Thinking about going salty so keep posting.

I'm enjoying this.:good:
Got some sand yesterday, cleaned it out and put it in. Going to the LFS for some RO water tonight but dont think he will keep enough to fill it in one go so will have to go back wednesday for some more. Unless my tap thing comes today which i doubt!

Also got one of the BiOrb Reef thermometers because they just look nice and compact and work!


Heres another pic with the sand in and the equipment just need the wet bit now!



I will have to get my DSLR out instead of using the phone for all the pictures as they look a bit crappy! lol
Got my rock today. Picked out some bits and it came to about 18kg so i took it! Got it all layed out in the tank and quite like the look of it but there isnt many hitchhickers that ive found! seen 3 little starfish and some what im guessing are tubeworms. But nothing too exciting :( - The rock i got was in the shops main tanks so they must be as good as cured as they will ever be! will be doing water checks over the next week or for at least a week until i know its all perfect before i add anyone into it!

Also got my RO unit plummed in. My god its slow! left it for about an hour and must of only got maybe 10Ltrs at most :/ Might have to get pump for it to speed things up.
Anyways got out the DSLR and took a couple of shots to show you how it looks. Got one of the RO unit in place with the phone but others are with the camera. :)






LOL, I love the angles of photography, very artistic. Did you scatter shells all over the tank?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with not getting a whole lot of hitch hikers. Yeah, maybe you don't get anything good, but you don't get anything bad either. :lol:

I've got my RO hooked up to my garden hose out back. Love it.

Yea my girlfriend saw them in MA and had to have them lol
Found a crab! and a pair of caterpiller things that are furry? one looks black and orange and the other is white. There is also a little blue starfish which is mulling about. :)

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