My New Half Moon :)

He's beautiful! Does he have a name yet?

I just got a half moon betta myself but am still trying to get a pic that's at least as good as yours!
Lovely looking betta :)

I'm guessing he's housed alone?
he doesnt have a name yet although i was trying to think of one and to me i think he looks like a lowry :p haha

and he his housed with 9 espe rasboras as i heard those and bettas can co-exist peacefully :)
He is very pretty indeed :hyper: :good:
We're did you get him from, and what size tank do you have him now?
thankyou sona :) i didnt think the pics were that good myself but glad the people here appreciate them :D i brought him from pets at home as i was browsing he caught my eye, and i have him in a 64 liter :good:
i love corys :) however i was trying to stick to a south east asian theme, and the only bottom dwelling fish i think i might be able to house in my tank are dwarf chain loach, maybe khuli's but im worried they will become to big for my tank

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