My new Gudgeon :D


Fish Addict
Aug 9, 2004
Reaction score
Hes a hottie!
Can someone tell me what type it is..


  • Gudgeon.JPG
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Hmmm not to sure could be the purple spotted gudgeon, looks like a kind of sleeper goby. Didn't they give you a name or info in the shop? -_-
yep purple spotted :nod:

looks good! :thumbs:
Are they usually not active? i guess i am expecting to much, they only been in 2day :p


  • 124.JPG
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I can only get photos of this one, The other one is hiding... also his color is very bad... i am kinda worried


  • 678.JPG
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Purple spotted gudgeons are a kind of sleeper gobies i have 2 "fat sleeper gobies" and they just sit around all day except when theres food. i belieive they are mostly nocturnal but as they get bigger they'l probably get lazier
Heres a couple of sites for you;

Native fish
aqua articles

Hope that helps! can you tell me what set up have you got for them? -_-

PS Lovely photos of them!! :D
Are it's colors similar to this? It doesn't look like a spotted (Mogurnda mogurnda) but I think aloaring is on to something ;)


  • Andrew_s_tanks_4_002__2_.jpg
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Dwarfs it looks exactly like yours, just without the blue.
How long will it take for them to get color?
and also are your gudgeons always active?
Cos mine have found a cave and rarely come out
samthefishman said:
Hes a hottie!
Can someone tell me what type it is..
look here

dwarfs has Mogurnda Mogurnda , the one in the picture unfortunately jumped out of the tank to his death [ and is sorrily missed by us ]. We had Mo about 6 months , he was quite active and swam at all levels of his tank . We still have Lil-Mo and this fish is also very active . Owner / feeder responsive as well .

The link is of CFC'S Mogurnda adspersa check it out
aloaring said:
Purple spotted gudgeons are a kind of sleeper gobies i have 2 "fat sleeper gobies" and they just sit around all day except when theres food. i belieive they are mostly nocturnal but as they get bigger they'l probably get lazier
Heres a couple of sites for you;

Native fish
aqua articles

Hope that helps! can you tell me what set up have you got for them? -_-

PS Lovely photos of them!! :D
nice links :cool:
Cool. I have fallen in love with my gudgeons, they are my fav fish in my tank.
One jumped out last night. I spent 5 min looking for him in the tank then tought he coulda jumped out. I couldnt him and thought he was dead, i just sat him in the water got all the stuff of him and bout 30 secs later he just shot right outa my hands and acted like nothing happend.... he has abit of a scar, hoping it will go away.
Hes fine this morning, both are eating all the food :D hehe no food for the gourami's (which i dislike as they eat everything) but now the tables have turned. And if the gourami's touch their food, they attack them :D hehe its quite funny to watch.
they are truely awsome fish!!! i might get some more :p

Btw. 1 has got abit of blue into it now, its starting to come along. The one that jumped out last night is basicly white :crazy:

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