My New Girls


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2007
Reaction score
El Paso, Texas, US
Well here they are. The one I got last week is swimming around the girls I got tonight. She doesn't have an egg spot but also doesn't have any sort of a beard.








I still love the cambodians. The one that i didn't take any pictures of is just a dark blue and red betta. Nothing special.
The cambodian girl has pretty good finnage. She was all clamped down in the cup but as soon as I bagged her she started flaring and showing me how pretty she was. I'm getting more and more suspicious that the female with red spots is actually a male plakat. I added some fake floating plants. If I find a bubble nest in the morning "she" will be taken out and put in a 1 gallon jar I have. My nothing special betta has a pretty green iridescence when she swims under the light so I'm glad I got her. It doesn't show on the camera though. They were all released after being in the bags and getting to know each other for about 4 hours and so far haven't even nipped at each other. They're flaring and posturing but not actually nipping. I'll probably add one more female later but PetSmart didn't have any others that caught my eye.

I still have their cups but the girls traveled MUCH better in the bags than the cups. I was having trouble keeping the cups upright but the bags fit much tighter in my bike bag.
I love cambodian girls I have one but she is showing signs of age now and is very thin....
the cambodian looks like a pk male.

very nice fish :good:

I was going to say exactly the same thing. Do you have any other pics of the cambo? as that anal fin is very male lookin and if it is a he its the first cambo PK male i have ever seen :wub:
Sorry to disappoint you but she has a clearly visible egg spot. Clean body and big fins though. I could watch her all day. Easily my favorite. My male peacock goby has been out flaring at the new girls but no damage done either way. He is quite happy with his pvc caves at the bottom where the betta don't really go that often. Ammonia has dropped to zero and my nitrite's also spiked and zeroed out in the last couple of days. Did a 30% water change this morning to bring nitrates back into reasonable levels so the girls now have a cycled 10 gallon. :good:

These girls didn't look nearly as good on the shelf. Just goes to show you what blue tinted water and cramped conditions can hide.
Sorry to disappoint you but she has a clearly visible egg spot. Clean body and big fins though. I could watch her all day. Easily my favorite. My male peacock goby has been out flaring at the new girls but no damage done either way. He is quite happy with his pvc caves at the bottom where the betta don't really go that often. Ammonia has dropped to zero and my nitrite's also spiked and zeroed out in the last couple of days. Did a 30% water change this morning to bring nitrates back into reasonable levels so the girls now have a cycled 10 gallon. :good:

These girls didn't look nearly as good on the shelf. Just goes to show you what blue tinted water and cramped conditions can hide.
an egg spot is not a definite indication of a female. i was sure i had a female doubletail due to the very obvious egg spot, until the day i came home to find him guarding his nest full of eggs. now i have babies!
Sorry to disappoint you but she has a clearly visible an egg spot is not a definite indication of a female. i was sure i had a female doubletail due to the very obvious egg spot, until the day i came home to find him guarding his nest full of eggs. now i have babies!

my little PK male has a clearly visable "egg spot". i tried getting a pic of it as proof that an eggspot is not a garuentee of sex, but the lil bugger wouldnt sit still long enough :lol:

the first cambo PK male i have ever seen :wub:
my lfs had a cambo red pk male in a few months back he was one of 3 males that came in as females, i would have bought him were it not for the fact he had a tumor on his side :sad:
Well both the cambodian "girl" and the white with red spots "girl" have shown me their beards so I'm going to slide in the dividers as soon as I see any indications of fighting. They all seem pretty mellow and are getting along at this point plus some females have beards. This tank had dividers on it in the past so all I have to do is slide the piece of plastic canvas in. I also have enough silk plants in there to make it look like a jungle so everybody has plenty of places to hide. The multicolored betta also has the same fin shape but I haven't seen a beard yet. You guys think it's possible I might have ended up with three plakats?
It is possibly. We got 6 females and 2 turned out to be male PKs :eek:
I just added a second filter tonight because I plan on slightly overstocking this tank. Please don't flame me for that. I test my water and do partial water changes as often as needed. I'll give it about a week until I add anything else. All the "girls" are still getting along but I bought a few more gallon jars just in case. They're cheap enough and handy for storing stuff anyway. I spotted a red/white marbled body with red/white butterfly fins male vt at work and came very close to buying him. I decided my little ten gallon is going to keep me busy enough though and put him back on the shelf.
Cambo PK(pretty sure now) got his little fishy butt kicked and has been moved into a 1 gallon jar to heal. My divider thingys are falling apart so until I can repair them the two that are still getting along are staying in the tank together. The fight happened while I was at work so I didn't see who's doing it. The PK has a big chunk out of the fins under his body and a smaller chunk out of his tail. I may just return the dark blue/green one and give away the red cambo when he's healed. That would leave me with one mystery gendered betta that I wouldn't have any trouble with building a community around. This all would have been a lot easier if the supplier sent PetSmart the right gender. :angry:

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