My New Fish!


Married Lizard
Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
Residing in a big city in Minnesota, but I'm a cou
I got new fish today! Mondays are 25% off all fish (and aquarium plant) prices at the pet store I go to.

I took them my Blue Gourami, 'cause he was just too big for my 10 gallon tank, and he was bothering the Oto and Cory, and they gave me a dollar for him.

My new fish:
Two little Panda Corys :)
An Oto, so my lone Oto has a buddy
Five little Neons (99 cents each, not including the discount!)

And I got some Corkscrew Vallisneria, 'cause they were only 98 cents a plant. I might go get some more, 'cause I really like it and it looks nice.

Just had to share! I'm happy to have a "full" tank again :) Off to update my signature...

aka Lizard
Congrats on the new inhabitants. Sounds like they will get along much better than that gourami. Any pics?
impur said:
Congrats on the new inhabitants. Sounds like they will get along much better than that gourami. Any pics?
No pics, yet. I've been sick this week, so haven't been doing too much, other than sleeping and sitting around. Taking pics sounds like a good idea though. Perhaps tomorrow...

These guys are getting along much better than the Gourami did. The little Neons are so cute! The original Oto is much happier now that he has a buddy, and the Corys are cute as ever.

Ahhhh, I love my fishies.

aka Lizard
i cant wait to see pictures either!!!

they sound great
Hi lizard :)

It sounds like you made a wise move in bringing back that gourami. :thumbs:

If a gourami is happy in a small tank, well fine, but if it starts picking on the other fish, you are better off without it. It sounds like you have a happy little community now and the gourami will probably find a home where he will be happy too. :D

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