My New Fish


New Member
Feb 5, 2010
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heres a few pics in the bags ready to go into there new home

2 new ples an 8 new corys along with 50 cardinal tetras




Very nice, I bet that cardinal shoal looks amazing.
Is that an adonis plec ?
very nice, what size tank have u got for that little lot ? also keep an eye on tests when they go in.. that amount at anyone time is a huge risk :/
hi di, there skunk corys with the stipe down each side

hi davo,yea they will look v-nice when there in

fishface, thanks for the advice, but the amount of fish i have doesnt look that many as there all very small yet, an when they get bigger ima get a bigger tank :good:

hi davo, just done a search on that adonis pleco an its a L155 an looks like the one ive got, cheers mate
you just added 60 fish in one go to a tank and you say it dont look like many?? im not worrying about how it looks im worries about the ammonia spike that you going to get.. did one shop sell you all those in one go?

i did ask what size tank it was..seems youve avoided the question..
They look really good!

How big is the tank?

You need to test for ammonia and nitrites in the morning. Even in a very large tank adding 60 fish in one go will cause a HUGE ammonia and nitrite spike which could seriously damage a lot of your stock.

Keep testing for a week and if ammonia and nitrites are present, do some large water changes. They need to be zero. If ammonia and nitrites are not present, keep testing anyway. If nothing happens within a week, you're a very lucky person!

If you don't test the water and you miss the spike, you've got to expect dead or sick fish. As amazing as they'll look, I'm really surprised that the shop sold you so many fish!

You will need a 500 gallon tank as a minimum when all your fish have grown up. I did that maths (using small average sizes, note) based on the fish in your signature.

If the fish exceed a small adult size (as many will), you'll be looking at closer to 600 gallons.

You also have some fish that will grow very, very big. Some of those plecs will hit two to three feet long - you're looking at a 10 foot tank there, minimum.

Good luck =)
ok ive just done 2 test's

NO2-N=0.1 mg/l

il check again tomorrow an do a 25% water change, but all looking ok upto now, an im also looking for a bigger tank :)
50 tetras at once? that's crazy, I'd say that in future add 10 every other week slowly to avoid complications. Also after reading your signature you said you have 43 mixed angels all in one tank? along with tons of other fish. You realize you have 500+ inches of fish in your tank. What size is it? It sounds very very overstocked.
got any full tank pics? Sounds like its gotta be rammed!! What are you doing buying fish still? You need to move some on. Why have you boight 43 angels? or are they fry that you are growing on? If so i'd get them sold ASAP
Holy crap that is an adonis isnt it....why?? I mean why?? There are so so so so so so so many black plecs with white spots on that dont reach 3 foot.

Your tank is severely overstocked, its just animal abuse your angels are going to cause major issues in a matter of months, as good as an XP3 is its not a top end filter, though even with that stock I would worry something like an FX5 wouldnt cope....

I just dont get why 43 angels?? Its just mental, have you ever picked up a book or read something other than your own posts on the internet?

Whats the capacity of this tank?

....mate just sort it out
Ammonia and nitrite must be zero - even 0.1 mg/l is too much. The N02- is nitrite. Looks like you've already had the ammonia spike. Do you have an ammonia test kit?

You need to do a water change - ammonia could still be high and the nitrites need to be lowered.

Also, adonis plecs are apparently very boisterious and active. They can easily kill small fish without even trying due to their size and high activity levels and they'll stop at nothing to get the best cave/hiding place for themselves even if there is another fish fighting for it.

To give him the bare minimim of six times his own body length (which is a bare minimum for an active fish), you are looking at an 18 foot tank. 18 foot.

Don't even think about keeping these fish long term in a smaller tank than they need. You'll have wasted your money and more the the point, you'll be harming these beautiful animals. Even in the short term, you need a better filter. That one isn't going to stand up to the bioload for much longer.

I'm sorry if we don't seem to appreciate your . . . extensive fish collection but here the values of research and animal welfare come first. You didn't even know what the adonis was and accidentally buying a fish that reaches 3 foot as an adult isn't exactly a mistake that people are going to overlook. We all appreciate that people have tp start somewhere but it doesn't sound like you've really thought all this through.

Sorry again, and please take on board what we are saying.

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