My New Fish :d


Fish Addict
Feb 15, 2006
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right i had the most amazing deal at the LFS, they are clearing out all of there stock and so i got these fish,
worth way over £200, i payed just £50 for the lot

this is my Picasso trigger named Günther

my rare and meant to be £100, Polenni grouper called Musselini
(max out at 6"-8"

my white eyed eel Gill

and my Panda Puffer Yang

and not forgetting Sven

this was a full tankshot before i had any fish

comments welcome :)
that looks like an awesome deal!!

i like the panda puffer! and of course sven!
i jsut fed them all it was insane!!!
the trigger is the greediest, secondly by the grouper.
the eel grabbed a bunch of food and pulled it into the bamboo pipe.
and the lionfish n puffer wer just general.
should i feed them daily or every other day or so ?
The tank looks small for the fish you have I may be wrong sorry if I am what size is the tank?
yeah i thought that too. cant really see any corals but if there are any wont triggers eat them. i am cycling a 50 gallon salt tank and i am putting in a pair of maroon clowns, mandarin, carpenters wrasse, clean up crew, maybe some firefish along with the live rock and corals and probably an anemone for the clowns. would it be okay to put a picasso trigger in there, i am a begginer with saltwater and dont really know.
not to pop the bubble but how big is the tank ? it should be no smaller than 75 min.

also i thikn you will find that you should not feed the loin fish every day, most people seem to do every other day. i also feel that the puffer will soon turn on the slow moving lion fish. you should find that it will start to eat away at the fins untill he gets to the body of the fish :(

. also adding all those fish at once is crazy. you have got fish that are all messy eaters and as such will make lots of mess. this is going to hammer the tanks balance. the ammonia spike will be huge. i just hope the fish make it through.

to give you some idea on adding fish, i have a 170-180 gal tank with only 4 fish (sad i know) but i waited 6 weeks before i added the first fish and then left it 4 weeks before the next.i have now left it 8 weeks and i am just about ready to add my next small fish. i know you had the deal of the year but just hope the fish dont have to pay the price .

i don't mean to sound like a prick, i am normaly very happy person :good: . just keep testing the water, and i hope i am wrong :crazy:

Im no expert but trigger fish do eat corals.
You are definitely not an expert in this regard. :lol: The only trigger (that I know of; there may be others, but Rhinecanthus isn't one of them) that eats corals on a regular basis is the Titan Balistoides viridescens.

You do have a tank full of awesome fish kubora, but I do agree with Rob's post that the tank is probably too small. They will inhabit it peacefully for a while still, but do look into a larger tank. :good:

Absolutely love the panda puffer gorgeous fish! I hope all your new fish do well and congrats on a great deal! :)

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