My New Fire Eel Needs A Name

um.. some language words for 'fire'

japanese - katon (pronounced CAR-TORN with the Rs as silent)
malay - api (pronounced AR-PI)
hokkien (a chinese dialect) - huei (pronounced HOO-AYE)

:D :D :D :D
How about "Geoff the god of biscuits".. or geoff to his mates.


Juwel.. after the filter he loves so much!

lol thanks squid.geoff the god of biscuits and jewel made me laugh loads :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hector seems to be a bit of a really random name... lol what made you think of the name Hector for a fire eel??? :/ :S
my missus came up with hector.i cant find anything better at the moment
lol i supose that if you cant get better than Hector :p then Hector he shall be.

Glad to help... if we actually did anything :S

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