My New Fire Eel Needs A Name


Fish Herder
Jul 8, 2005
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cornwall uk
hi,i got a 16 inch fire eel today and i need some suggestions for a name.girlfriend and kids have come up with eric or freddie so far.any decent suggestions????
My fire eel escaped within the first week of keeping him, but fortunately he is still alive now, so we decided to call him houdini (the famous escape artist for those who dont know). maybe you could use something along those lines?
thanks so far everyone.morning cane :good: came down this eel gone.arrrggghhhh.lifted up the lid and he was hiding in my jewel internal filter with about 2 inchs of his tail sticking out.i think im going to have to take out the internal and get another external filter to go with my 2028 :crazy:
mine kept doing that too,it would get in section with the heater and refuse to come out,burnt itself several times too
its a right pain in the arse
i think were going to call him hecter unless anyone has a better name.
yeah,i like that xingumike,it kinda rolls of my tounge( not) lol.any other less complicated,easy to remember names anyone?????
thanks was a bit crap.hard to make all the fish out.will do a better one tonight.thanks everyone for all the names.

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