My new crowntail boys


Fish Fanatic
May 27, 2005
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Southern California
I feel like rambling on about my new guys but no one will indulge me, so I figured I'll come here................ you understand me don't you? :D
Those of you who want to read my ravings can........ and those who don't can just tune me out like the rest of my family and friends. And just be glad you don't have to listen to me in person. :p

I'm just so excited I can't contain myself. After about a week of Bettamax spa treatment, my new crowntails were ready for their new home.

The red white and blue one seemed a bit more timid and nervous so he got a solo bowl up on the piano. He seems to like to gaze out the window and contemplate the universe. He's a very serious fella.
So far the names I'm considering for him are ..........
"Glory" (as in Old Glory....get it? Red, white, blue.......??)
"Indy" (short for Independence)
"Captain America"
"George Washington"
My husband is pretty adamant about the name being George. Although I wasn't crazy about the name for this betta, it does seem to fit. Especially because he has a tree stump decoration that he likes to lounge on. Either on top (where the tree is cut) or he'll just sit in the hollow of the tree and gaze outside. He looks so serious and contemplative. Just like George Washington always looked in his paintings, almost morose. Sitting on the tree stump in his little bowl looking remorseful that he cut down that cherry tree. :lol: I also have a small American flag figurine that I have next to his bowl.
Personally I think I like the name "Capt. America" best because this betta is so spectacular looking. It's as if he has a superhero costume on.
I was also trying to think of a name related to Fireworks because that's what he looks like when he flares. Like a big beautiful burst of red white and blue fireworks.

The other crowntail is a gorgeous Mustard Gas. Or at least I'm pretty sure he's a Mustard Gas.
I put him in Doodle's vacancy in the betta condo. As soon as I put him in he swam over and flared at his neighbor Dart II (although possible renaming in the future). Now mind you, up until now Dart II has been the champion flarer. Very self confident and flashy, Dart II would always win a flaring contest. The other bettas generally always swim away first. Well, my Mustard Gas crowntail flared at Dart II and you should've seen Dart recoil, turn tail and flee! Even though the crowntail is half his size, Dart's huge! I don't know if it's the crowntail fringe that looked so intimidating, his colors, or it was his technique. :D
Every time Dart II would muster up the courage to check out his new neighbor, the crowntail would flare and Dart would back up and dart away (hmmm maybe Dart isn't such a bad name for him afterall). It's the funniest reaction. It almost looks like he has a neck and he's pulling his head back then turns around and bails out; like "WHOA! What the heck? I'm outta here!".
Poor Dart, he used to feel like the bigshot. You could tell, he almost swaggered when he swam. Who's afraid of the big bad fish now?!!

At first I didn't like my husband's suggestion of the name "Saddam" for my Mustard Gas but seeing how he has all his neighbors tremble in fear at just the slightest look, I may have to reconsider this name. :lol"
The other names I'm considering are ...............
"Colonel Mustard"
"Dijon Fume'" (Foo-may)
"King Tut" - the only name referencing the crown and his royal demeanor as opposed to the mustard gas part. Although for some reason his colors do remind me of ancient Egypt. Have no idea why, it just does. He's purple almost going into black near his head with that deep golden yellow in his fins. His tail is striped, he has streaks of yellow that's rimmed in dark purple. Utterly and incredibly gorgeous dahhhhhling! He definitely looks like he's robed in the finest and richest purple silks lined in gold.

Another thing I'm contemplating is giving my betta condo a new theme. It used to be the D-boys but there are some new residents now and I think some changes are in order.
The theme this time would be "Les Artists". They would all be named after master artists.
So the name that works for the theme in this case is "Dijon Fume Cezanne". I kind of like the regality of the long name for my Mustard Gas crowntail. He's the closest thing to what feels like a "pedigree" betta that I've ever had.

Although I could always make one condo the Artists and get another 10 gallon divided and another crowntail (so I'd have 3 crowns total) and make the other condo "Ye Royal Barracks". Woohooo! That would solve the problem. :fun:

So there you have it. My betta dilemmas of the day.
I welcome any other names you might have to toss into the hat.
I'll try to borrow a friend's digicam that I know I can get good tank shots. I'm dying to show off my guys. They're just incredible! :wub:
I do kind of like Indy for the first one, but it sounds like George fits, too. :) I just hate the name George as a general rule.

For the Mustard Gas...mine is named Cloud, as in gas cloud. My friend's Mustard Gas is named Toxin. We have our own theme going on. Maybe you could do something like that?

And I will always support the purchase of more Bettas by Betta lovers and good Betta caretakers. Go for the all-Crown condo!
I like Liberty. It's fun but also serious and cute!

For the mustard gas, I think a very royal name would do. Like.......King Dijon III :p

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