My New Brothers And Sisters

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
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South Africa
Now between November 2009 and January 2010, both my parents passed away, and it is now our (me & my brother's) task to get all the furniture and the house sorted out.

Amoungst others, My parents had an eight month old white Alsation, (called tome... as in come "to me"), which my daughter (the vet) decided to take (as she donated it to them).

Then there is this 13yr old Alsation called "Ya-Ya".... She is a grumpy old (sterilized) lady... which nobody in the family wants... and of course... me being the animal person, all fingers pointed to me, or to have her put down.

I have 2 cats and 2 dogs, and YaYa has never been exposed to cats before. Megan is an invalid and has to be carried outside and back every day to do her "business" and Maya is also just around 7 months old and a very ignorrant bbbitch.

I still have 3 weeks of staying in a very small "townhouse" before I move to a big yard house. The thought comes up of rather having her put down than to face all the potential problems this situation might pose.... she is 13, and big dogs (Alsations and the likes) very seldom gets older than 14..... I just do not have the heart!.... She arrives on Thursday.... and I'm already in cold chills!

Meghan the invalid
has the dog got any health problems?
you gotta keep her, cat can look after themselves. Just make sure when you introduce her to the invalid cat that everything is calm and keep he on her lead.
She may be 13, but I wouldn't write her off yet. I had a shep/husky mix that lived to 16, and she would have lived longer had she not been run over at 12 and had to deal with all the health problems that caused. You could be looking at at least another 2 to 3 years, if not longer.

She may be grumpy, but at that age I doubt she's going to be a huge problem, I personally love older pets as they are just like 'whatever' about things and are more likely to just lay down and take a nap, instead of instigating things.

I'd introduce her to everyone outside, give them time to sniff an greet (and getting any excitement or territorial peeing over with) and then bring them in the house together, making Yaya come in last. Then it would just be the normal watching of things.

And I'm sure she will be grieving for a little while, you may find the worst thing in dealing with her is the depression, and trying to get her back in good spirits.
remember what ceaser milan says, "Dogs live in the moment."
as for the cats i am sure they will put her in her place if she gets out of hand. just keep a close eye and give a spot in the house for the cats to escape to if she tries to harm them.
She's been here now for 4 days and still settling in (getting acquainted with the new brothers & sisters)...

I don't know if it the climate change or the stress of being removed from her (13yr) domain, but she's been sick since she arrived.... drinks lots of water and vomits a lot... (had her at the Vet's and awaiting the blood results)... seems a bit better today.

Maya is the only one who braves it near her (but cautiously) "Hello there big Sister"

and sometimes even a bit closer

Whilst Meghan prefers to find refuge under the chair.

The cats gets this stare and vamoosh!!!
she is a beauty real beauty looks small for her age though
We all knew what you would do - you big softy :wub:

She looks a grand old lady :good: it's a good age for a large breed

Seffie x
She looks incredible for her age. I'm sure she'll come round and be lovely for you in time once she's picked up on the energy in your household.

What a beautiful dog though - you did good taking her, she couldn't have been PTS just because, effectively, nobody wanted her. Let's hope her sickness isn't anything serious and she settles in and becomes one of the gang.

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