My new bettas


Fish Crazy
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
Herefordshire, UK
Well i have had my new bettas now since Wednesday last week, I had them temporarly homed in any tupperware i could find but today their tanks arrived.

My bettas have not all been happiness, when they arrived 2 were in very poor condition, the man who shipped them over said he dosent understand how they could be or got that way ... but well that is questionable huh?

Anyway I got 2.5 gallon tanks for each of them and am testing one tank with a heater in it so far so good the small heater at 35W has kept the temperature constant at 78-80 degrees, so far i only have white gravel and some riccia floating plants but i would like to get some other type of floating plant that is low lighting, any suggestions??? it would be nice if the floating plant had some root hanging down so that the betta could snuggle in it, i may get some sort of decoration but its hard to find something that dosent have raggered sharp edges.... I'm glad my bettas have bigger homes they are swimming about like crazy, they havent stopped and their fins look like flamenco skirts.... reall pretty.

Anyway enough babbling here are the photos of
Sultan and Camelot

Although Sultan is soooo badly damaged I have hope that he will grow to be magnificant, and well poor camelot although he does not look too bad in this photo his dorsal fin and tail fin dont seem to open up at all, he really is an unhappy chappy, he is very timid dosent swim about too much and looks petrified most of the time.... I have hope in him too. I feel somewhat embarassed putting up their piccies and hope i dont offend anyone but i do belive that there is a glimmer for them even if it be a bit of looove.
Gosh these bettas are hard to photo.... i swear they know when your just about to do a good shot then they






they look very nice.

joey is lovely.

hope they get better real quick. I know how much you are looking forward to keeping them.
Lookin good!!! must say i do love crowntails :p very nice!! hope they do get better!
I love crown tails as well. They are gorgeous. I hope they get well soon.
I have 3 crown tails.
Beelzebub (totally red)
and one that I haven't named yet.
My other 4th betta I think is a half moon but am not totally sure.
Good luck Bronzewolf. These fish are very addictive to own.
Im not going to name my betta yet as my last 2, died fairly quickly :-(

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