My New Betta!

Duck and Dive

Fish Herder
Jan 7, 2008
Reaction score
England, South East

I am new to bettas,

I have just got a new betta called Samurai. He is gorgeous he stood out from all the others in my opinion! Anyway here are some pics and vids!

Here Is a video:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

And some pic,s:




Here Is his tank:


He is lovely!!!

nice :good: he is a double tail. there seems to be an influx of them in LFS's at the moment. i got one very similar to yours a couple of weeks ago, and i also got a white one last week.

is his tank heated? it realy should be, especialy as its such a small volume of water as the temprature will fluctuate rapidly. a small heater and a small sponge filter or even an airstone to cirulate the water will help keep his tank clean too :good: oh and remove the rockwool from your plant.. ive found it encourages algae growth
he's nice, although that tank looks very small....
Errm.. I have no rock wool in the tank... Yes the room he is in is quite warm. 21-24 degrees.
The tank I think is 8-10L


oh is that not rockwool round the rootball of the plant? my mistake if its not =)

you need a heater to keep the temperature stable. 24 degrees water temprature is about the MINIUMUM a betta should be kept at for long term. the temprature of his water will fluctuate and this will cuase him stress and may lead to problems. its like you sitting in a draughty room, only the fish cant regulate its own body temprature.
the size of tank is fine for him, but id seriously recomend a heater to keep the temp stable at 24+ degrees. you can get a 10 watt heater for small tanks like yours its called a "newattino plus" i have a couple of them and they are great

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