My New Arrivals And Plants!


Fish Crazy
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
England, sheffield x
Hiyaa x

went out and finally got some new fish and plants, tried 3 places before we found one with the right fish. two had new fish in and wasnt selling, 3rd one didnt have the fish i wanted in, 4th one had all the fish i wanted. :drool:

i got:

. 2 platys (male - blue, female - orange) anyone have any ideas if the two alone will breed? :huh:
. 3 gouramis (accidently bought 2 males and one female, the 2 females turned into one male, one female :X )
. 2 pgymy cories (so cute)

so my new stocking is:

. 4 ottos
. 2 pgymy cories
. 2 platys
. 3 gouramis
. 5 neons

and i got some plants from pets at home, (3 for a fiva! saved an amazing 97p!)

im wondering if anyone can identify some of the plants on the photo, one is a mossy ball plant, the other a leaf mossy plant, the other just a leaf plant with red and green leaves, and an oldish plant that just has greenleaves.

here's my tank:


My blue platy :


my orange platy:


My red honey gourami:


others were all hiding, will try and get more pics soon lol

what you think? x
the plant at front left looks like camboda, i dont know the rest.
yeah looks like cabomba.

you will need to get more pygmy corries are they like to be in large groups. they are highly social fish. get at least 3 more.
the red tall plant in the back looks like Alternanthera reineckii (check spelling) also sold around here as Red Temple or something.
i had it for a while, beautiful plant. does not handle ICH treatment well though :crazy:

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