My new (and FIRST!) betta tank


Fish Crazy
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
Madison area, Wisconsin USA
I just got it yesterday, it took trips to now three stores to get what I wanted in it....

No betta in it yet, but whatdoya think?


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BettaMomma, I was at PS this am, and that big, tall green plant in there......that's a silk-like plant! It's so cool to practically feels like your hair does's so cool! The only one there too! Of course it was too tall, so I had to modify how I put it in there...

I don't want real plants.......I don't want to have to care for them. Have a hard enough time taking care of the houseplants......I still have two that have survived the last 5
I'm going to hit them all today.
I've gone off my rocker and decided what to do with my 5 gallon tank.
It's going to be amazing if I can pull it off but I am just not sure yet.
Even gonna give the live plants AND SAND a try.


More to come....
again, sweet job on the tank.
When are you gonna put him in???
I'm not sure if I'm going to yet. The last two times I've fed them in the tank he comes up with the other 4 at feeding time. If he was uncomfortable, I don't think he would....but man, he was up at the water's surface with the rest of them waiting for FOOD! It was so funny! He was getting the routine, and was just as excited as the others for those fingers to give him some grub!

Maybe I can put a crowntail in this one, eh? But if I do, I'm going to get another tank like this one so I have a back up in case the new guy needs it......
Look v. cool. I've decided I don't actually like my betta tank that much ( :X ). I want to change either to sand or very fine black gravel. Since the only colour of betta I'm likely to get is red, black will go good.
GQ - I don't know if you've read my story about my girlies I got today, but they aren't working out together.
Here's how the tank ended up (which I LOVE) - I opted to skip the sand and go the easy route, but I am ONTO live plants, I really dig them now.

BUT... I have this adorable little girly fish here that needs a home. Cloey just won't stop harrassing her. -_-
Before I go out tomorrow and find her one, I wanted to see if you would be interested in having her for your new tank.

I fully intend to get another tank, but I just thought I'd see if you were interested. Here she is:
Hi Momma....

I'm gonna say here, that I have a sex discrimination.........I like the pretty boys with long fins!

I already bought this first guy on impulse...yeah, been putting thought into it, but really shouldn't have gotten him when I did........HOWEVER, as I see things now, I don't think I'd be doing him any favor by taking him out of the big tank right now...he is just so happy in there.....not shy at all, but he doesn't pick on the other guys at all....he comes right up to feed, he torments the cats, he'll sit and look at me forever when I sit in the chair next to the tank........he's just really comfortable, and is enjoying gliding his laps around the tank. I may have not done something right here to begin with (apparently!) but it really is working out well so far! He's so content....

Anyway, I'm kind of going to plan on looking at those crown tails on Tuesday if in fact they will have them...I'm gonna call. Get another small tank just in case the one in the big one doesn't work out, and if I got a girlie....well, then I'd have to get another! So just better stick to my plan for now.......I really haven't got a lot of space for tanks....I am a little concerned about the cats, but this one I have, I don't think they can tip over if they tried......and I can always close the door to the office if needed......

Thanks though, with the idea had worked out for ya! Why not send the nasty girl packin and try to buy a few more to put together?

Anyway, that's all up to you, and your tank looks Beauuuutiful!
I completely understand! :)

I need to find some more girls to go with these girls.
If the little hag still is pestering, she will be going packing. Dunno where yet, but she'll go.

Oh, and I ripped that tank apart and put all that stuff into my new biggy tank - there's another post about it I just opened. I love the tank setup, but i'm worried about the current. I don't think the filter is adjustable so I may have to figure out something. I dont wanna leave those poor girls in those horrid little containers too long.

I wanna meet you there on Tuesday!
I'll email you from work tomorrow :)

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