My New 57g


Fish Crazy
Jul 1, 2005
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia
This is my new tank. You can see the stocking full of gravel from my old tank that is being used to seed this tank (along with the filter media)

Full length tank and stand shot:

Tank only shot:

My plans for this tank can be found in this thread: click here

Let me know what you think!!!
that looks pretty professional dude,

I really like it so far, it bet it's going to be "somthing pretty" pretty soon

good job
That's a very beautiful tank already :) it's going to look pretty great after a few months I'm sure :nod:

Are you going to use a background for it though ? In my opinion a plain black would look fab :thumbs:
Thanks all for the kind compliments.

As for a background, I was planning on using a thin rock look sheet that one of the LFS places make that lines the inside back of the tank. It will be dark, and I will be able to plant on it fairly easily. I'm thinking a java moss curtain or something similar over part of it.

I just need to make sure I have the room. The large piece of driftwood only just fits front to back (about 1 cm clearance either side) thanks to some of the roots still jutting out of it. I will need to suss out how thin the backings are, and make sur there is still plenty of room for fish to swin around it.

I will be adding more plants in the next week or so, so will update with more pics then.
does that tank have one of those overhead filters built into the hood? i think ive seen those. awesome tank.
Just thought I'd give you guys a picture a few months later - really happy with how the tank is going (plant wise - have had a couple of fish deaths of late).


So - any feedback? The fluval 4+ in the front right is new to the tank. It will be moved to the back on my next water change - need to move a coupld of things to make it fit where I want it.

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