My New 29 Gallon!


Fish Fanatic
Jul 29, 2006
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Hi! I am on week 2 of my fishless cycle in my 29 gallon. This is the first "planned" aqaurium that I've had, so I want to do things right for a change. I am planning on getting 10 pearl danios to start, followed by 6 albino corys a week or so later, if all goes well. I am going to place a large plastic root in the tank that has plenty of entries and exits. I also have 2 pieces of plastic driftwood, and about 11 plastic plants. Will the corys be happy in a tank like this? I am thinking of keeping the water at about 78 degrees. Do they need a lot of gravel to root in(I know, sand is better, but I have small, very smooth, rounded gravel), because if I add the root and leave in the driftwood, most of the tank will be covered in decorations. How often should I feed the corys? I have Tetra Min Tablets, freeze dried and frozen bloodworms, frozen brineshrimp, and Tetra Flakes for the danios. Is there anything else that I should feed them? I have some old shrimp pellets and algae disks; should I see if they like those, and buy fresh ones if they do? Also, how should I bring them home from the fish store? I have heard that they pop bags and get tangled in nets

Thank you so much for the help! I've been waiting for about 5 years for my corys and am so excited!
Congrats on your new tank!

You are wise to plan.

Make sure you keep the substrate clean. The barbels can get infected if the substrate gets foul. Other than that the Cories should be fine.

Make sure not to leave uneaten food around the bottom. Cories are not algae eaters and do not care for veggies. They are insectavores. They will eat everything but the veggies and algae wafers. I only feed what they will wat once a day, but they can be fed twice a day. Just don't leave uneaten food.

Different Corries like different temps. Some like the high 70's and some the low. Check PlanetCatfish.

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