Hi! I am on week 2 of my fishless cycle in my 29 gallon. This is the first "planned" aqaurium that I've had, so I want to do things right for a change. I am planning on getting 10 pearl danios to start, followed by 6 albino corys a week or so later, if all goes well. I am going to place a large plastic root in the tank that has plenty of entries and exits. I also have 2 pieces of plastic driftwood, and about 11 plastic plants. Will the corys be happy in a tank like this? I am thinking of keeping the water at about 78 degrees. Do they need a lot of gravel to root in(I know, sand is better, but I have small, very smooth, rounded gravel), because if I add the root and leave in the driftwood, most of the tank will be covered in decorations. How often should I feed the corys? I have Tetra Min Tablets, freeze dried and frozen bloodworms, frozen brineshrimp, and Tetra Flakes for the danios. Is there anything else that I should feed them? I have some old shrimp pellets and algae disks; should I see if they like those, and buy fresh ones if they do? Also, how should I bring them home from the fish store? I have heard that they pop bags and get tangled in nets
Thank you so much for the help! I've been waiting for about 5 years for my corys and am so excited!
Thank you so much for the help! I've been waiting for about 5 years for my corys and am so excited!