My New 20 Gal.


Fish Fanatic
May 12, 2006
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Hello all, I recently started my twenty gallon saltwater aquarium about two months ago. My stats on my tank are :

lighting: 1 50/50 65 watt and 1 65 watt daylight

Filtration: 24hr seaclone protein skimmer, H.O.T Magnum canister filter with biowheel, 19lbs live rock.

Substrate: crushed coral

Cleanup crew: 6 red legs, 6 astrea snails, several very small seastars, a few brittlestars

Fish: 1 neon goby

Corals: two colonies of mushrooms, 2 small featherdusters, and one colony of yellow polyps.



I'm considering going ahead and adding more corals and one or two more fish. My ultimate goal is to have a hammer coral, or at least some frogspawn. Really I'm asking some advice on what kind of fish I could add that would be A: compatable with a reef tank and B: Go good with a neon goby. Also, I was wondering what are some other good corals to keep in a nano tank?! lol, o0o0o, all the possibilities.

Thank you everyone, and for your enjoyment here's a pic:

Looks great man :good:. You're prefectly setup for frogspawns, hammers, bubbles, torch, pretty much any LPS would do just fine in that setup. As far as fish are concerned, most "nano" fish are reef-safe and will be fine with your neon goby. DO you have ny species of fish you really like the looks of?
Well, I've always liked clownfish, but then that seems too generic. I like pipefish and some wrasse. I mainly like goby's though. lol.

I just want a couple more fish that are outgoing, easy to take care of, reef safe and fun to watch.

Thanks in advance all
Be careful with Gobies, most species like to hide in rockwork a lot (my bar gobies do :(). Wrasses are very active fish and you could definitely have a fairy wrasse in there ;)
i think my favorite is a sixline, but there are many .more. colorful wrasses out there..

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