Here's the background. I've had for a long time 3 neons. (I started with 6 but due to one thing or another I lost 3 and since I knew I was moving I didn't get anymore.) Last week I moved, right after I simultaneously upgraded my tank and got 4 new tetras. One by one the 4 new ones died so I thought I had a bad batch. Tonight one of my originals died.
Results of water test: ph 7, Nitrites 0, Nitrates somewhere between 5 - 10, Ammonia 0
Temp is in the high 70's, food hasn't changed (mostly flake right now since I had to toss all my frozen goodies when we moved). I used the live plants and substrate from my old tank, adding some new sand (thoroughly rinsed) and live plants. They are housed now in a 29 gallon tank with 1 dwarf gourami, 3 cherry barbs, and 4 dainty corys. Their activity level has not changed, they seem active and eager to eat. No one is picking on anybody else that I have seen. My water did change from well with no additives to "city" water with additives although I did treat with Aquasafe before adding to the tank.
Is it stress? A water problem? Did the new 4 bring something nasty in? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!
Results of water test: ph 7, Nitrites 0, Nitrates somewhere between 5 - 10, Ammonia 0
Temp is in the high 70's, food hasn't changed (mostly flake right now since I had to toss all my frozen goodies when we moved). I used the live plants and substrate from my old tank, adding some new sand (thoroughly rinsed) and live plants. They are housed now in a 29 gallon tank with 1 dwarf gourami, 3 cherry barbs, and 4 dainty corys. Their activity level has not changed, they seem active and eager to eat. No one is picking on anybody else that I have seen. My water did change from well with no additives to "city" water with additives although I did treat with Aquasafe before adding to the tank.
Is it stress? A water problem? Did the new 4 bring something nasty in? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!