My Neon Is Struggling


New Member
Jul 24, 2009
Reaction score
Redcar , Clevland

Ok Soo I Got My New Fishes Today ,
9 Neons ,
2 Sword Tails ,
3 Dallys ,
1 Elephant Nose

I Got Them For My Aquarium Tank And All My Neons Were Together Except 1 Of Them That Neon Was By Itself At The Top Of The Tank ,
The Neon That Was At The Top of The Tank By Itself Was Struggling To Swim But Was Fine When He Was Released Into The Tank ,
We Left This Neon To Rest ..... The Next Day I Woke Up And Said Hows The Neon Doing Ashleigh (My Sister) She Said Well We Dont Know Because We Looked To Find It And Irt Wasent There .... I Was Thinking To Myself Has It Just Passed Away From Struggling To Swim ?
Or Was It Hiding Some Where I Looked All Around The Tank And It Wasent There :unsure:
My Sister Said '' It Might Of Passed Away From Struggling To Swim Darling '' I Was Quite Scared But Happy For This Fish To Rest In Peace But It Was Only A Day After We Got This Neon ... I Think Thee Fish Ate It When It Passed Away Since It Wasnt In The Tank :sad: :-(
Was your tank new and if so was it cycled? Neons never do well unless they are in a mature tank as they are very delicate. I hope for your sake your tank is cycled or you are likely to lose them all.....
Agree with gilli, has the tank been cycled? and if so how? fish-in? or fishless?

Neons dont tend to do well in new tanks, even when cycled they really need a mature tank (6+ months old) as they are very sensitive to fluctuating water conditions which are normally present in newish tanks.

If the tank was fishless cycled then you sohlud be ok, if it was cycled with a fish-in cycle then you may have a problem as thats a lot of fish to have added in one go.

I Have 9 neons and lots more ,
my tank is fully cycled ,
i have got all the chemicals and stuff but its not really my tank its my familys i am 10 and the neon passed away .
then 1 loache passed away :sad:
Id get your parents or yourself if you know how to do it, to do a water test and post your results on here.

Do you have a good liquid based test kit? one of them types where you put a certain amount of drops into a test tube.


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