My Mutt Babies.


Fish Addict
Dec 31, 2004
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"Why Utah?!"
Here’s a photo of my mutt fry. I don’t know what they’re turn out to be. ^^ I have a lot of combtails and I’m hoping they’ll turn into CTs as they get bigger. Daddy was a CT. I have teals, steels, blues, greens, and ultramarine.





Ah ha! A CT!

“Spot” is that cute little one pointed to and s/he has a black spot over his/her eye. Very cute.

I have very few steels. Only about three, maybe, but they’re very nice.

And sorry for the crappy photos. Had to use the flash because they’re so wiggly.
Beautiful! I see some definate CT potential in there!!! What was the mother?

The fry on the right in the third picture is sexy :hey: So is the little boy that looks like he has a mask in the first picture on the right.
Some beautiful looking bettas in there!
Auratus lol, I have a lot of those. And the masked one is the color I was shooting for.

The mother is 1/4 VT, 1/4 unknown, and 1/2 PK. She is from my very first spawn, so I gots some generations with these! X3 She had the metallic (or "copper") genes I wanted that turned all these babies into metallics. I'll try getting a photo of her fat self... ^^
Fourth picture on the very bottom. Irony is, I have several of those and only managed to get a photo of the one and it's a bad one.
gorgeous :wub:

I see the CT potential in there too.

You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you took a picture of my grow-out tanks a month or two ago :lol: I had almost the exact same colours apart from no CT or just a hint in some as the female shows combing. Mine have resulted in some white/blue marbles, blues, whites and tourqoise so can't wait to see what you get :hyper:

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