My mom bought new bettas


Fish Addict
May 3, 2005
Reaction score
DeRidder, LA
My mom had a male betta living in her bathroom and another living in her kitchen. Both in 5 gallon tanks. They looked lonely, so for Christmas I bought my mom (moreso for the bettas) some females. Two for each tank. The male betta that was living in the bathroom recently passed away. He was about three years old. And one of the female bettas in the tank in the kitchen aslo passed away. My mom called me and told me and I told her that it wasn't a good idea to have just one female with the one male, so I told her that she should move the other two females from the bathroom into the tank in the kitchen. Today she called me and told me that she went and bought two more females and a 10 gallon tank. She has the 10 gallon tank set up and is letting the filter run for 24 hours before she adds the fish. She asked me if it would be okay to put five females in a 10 gallon tank with the one male. I really don't have that much experience with bettas, so I couldn't answer her. I told her that I'd find out, so, please help! I'd appreciate it.

BrookeLea said:
My mom had a male betta living in her bathroom and another living in her kitchen. Both in 5 gallon tanks. They looked lonely, so for Christmas I bought my mom (moreso for the bettas) some females. Two for each tank. The male betta that was living in the bathroom recently passed away. He was about three years old. And one of the female bettas in the tank in the kitchen aslo passed away. My mom called me and told me and I told her that it wasn't a good idea to have just one female with the one male, so I told her that she should move the other two females from the bathroom into the tank in the kitchen. Today she called me and told me that she went and bought two more females and a 10 gallon tank. She has the 10 gallon tank set up and is letting the filter run for 24 hours before she adds the fish. She asked me if it would be okay to put five females in a 10 gallon tank with the one male. I really don't have that much experience with bettas, so I couldn't answer her. I told her that I'd find out, so, please help! I'd appreciate it.

I'm sorry but it is not at all advisable to put males and females together. Your Mom could have a nice community tank of all females though.
yep. Most males are actually happier by themselves. I'm actually VERY surprised that your females and male haven't attacked each other and torn up each other's fins.
flautist said:
I'm actually VERY surprised that your females and male haven't attacked each other and torn up each other's fins.
Who says they haven't? :p
Tell your mother to put the females together in the new 10 gallon. Males and females should NOT be living together under any circumstances, and even when they are being bred they are only kept together for a short period of time. Your mother can get some more compatible tankmates for her males if she thinks they're lonely... African dwarf frogs are a good choice, or maybe even some white cloud minnows.
Thanks guys! I'll pass the news on. Seems I bothched up. I have guppies, mollies, platies, neon tetras and cories...I guess bettas are even more different than I thought!

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