My mollys a bully


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
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Ok, I bought this pair of gold mollies and the female is being a right so-and-so, she was pretty aggressive for the first week then calmed down for a week or so, and now shes back with a vengence! She is chasing and nipping everyone in the tank, especially the gouramis, who are, by the way, about 4 times her size if not more. :blink: Why is she doing it??? Just stupid??? and is there any way i can stop her? They are the only 2 mollies in the tank, i wondered if i get a few more females whether it would help or not?? Any ideas??
Can you post test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph, how big is the tank , how many fish and what type, as aggression can come through overstocking,.
It might help to get a few more females (getting a few males may also calm an overly-aggressive female down but it'll also stress her out so you'll have to put in extra females once she has learnt her lesson :p ). Unfortunately, some mollies are like that. I have to say that I don't particularly like them to be honest. I mean they're nice looking fish but they don't have much character compared to my gouramies and they are pretty much big guppies with a bad attitude :p Cute though :p
Yes i agree I never kept them, but they seem to have a temper, and attitude problem at times. :lol:
Its a four foot tank my nitrites are zero, dont know about ph or hardness - not got test kit for that. I am not overstocked lol I have.....
2 opaline gouramis and a kissing gourami - full grown
2 corys - fullgrown
the 2 mollies, 4 swordtails

It is a fairly new tank so i know the water will not be top notch but i'm keeping regular water changes - adding declorinater stuff
I have two smaller filters in there on the go 24/7 and an airpump that i stick on now and then.
I also have a whitespot prob now lol :/ , I've bought some more drops yesterday but not put them in yet as i dosed them a couple of days ago with another w.s medication. Thought i'd better let it disperse and do a couple of 30/40% water changes b4 i start again. Poor fish :no:
They were healthy when i added her, but she bullied the male straight off, then chilled out a bit with him and then a week later started on the gouramis. I have a trap that you use for birthing guppies, I once put a male guppy who was being a bully in that and it seemed to help - solitary confinement - but not sure if it would be fair on a molly, think shes bigger and it might be too cramped. tho it'd only be for a day or two... hmmm not sure, what do you think?
Getting on top of this whitespot is the top priority at the mo tho. maybe she'll calm down, I must say i would be pretty pissed if i was itchy all over! I used to have bad eczema as a child so i kinda know :p
I have 2 female lyrtail mollies, they will bully anything in the tank or outside of it, they will charge at the cat when he sits next to the tank. the male mollie is even afraid of them he comes out to eat and then back to his cave he goes, hopefully he will get bigger and they'll leave him alone.

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