My Minnows Had Babys


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Oct 15, 2005
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this is funnny as i have zebra danios which had babys
there in seperate tanks
the minnows never eat them they must have been in there a few days with the parents
there on the side now
i have moved the ones that are swimming ill wait till these ones swim then move them

can i feed them liquify 1
any advice and info appreciated
My advice would be to not raise them as (if my memory serves me) you don't have the room for them - not to mention it can be difficult to off-load fish like these at your lFS or otherwise because there's no shortage of them (as they are one of the easiest egglayers to breed).
so what shall i do kill them how much would the qurium take for them
As harsh as it may seem, leave them be. If some survive, fine, if not, fine again. It would be nice if you could raise them but you can't afford to try to with your tank not cycled and over-stocked as it is. It's either try to raise the fry and have all your fish affected or let them die and save the adult fish. Having said that, I'd expect the adults to eat the fry if you put them in that tank anyway but I'm not entirely clear on what you're doing with what fish and just how many tanks you have (it would help if you tried to type in full sentences a bit more). And just so you aren't dissapointed later on, don't expect to make money off fishkeeping. Most LFSs won't give you much, if anything, for fry and you need to raise them to decent size beforehand anyway. Plus things like minnows and danios are ridiculously easy to breed so everyone's got some to give the LFS and the LFS doesn't get much for selling them either. Besides that, you need to have a tank that can take the extra bio-load to raise fry. Your tank (the one I know about) is not even cycled fully yet and is over-stocked.
Wait a minute... so you have another tank already running? When you change it's water, do you use de-chlorinator? Does it have a filter? How long has it been running for? You see, it may be possible to speed up the cycle of your other tank using this one (but only if certain requirements are met and you need to first answer those questions so I can determine whether or not that's the case).
It doesn't matter if their coldwater, they still need to be cared for just like tropicals. Do they not have a filter then?

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