My Measurements


Fish Crazy
Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
West Virginia
I took my first measurements of my ten gallon today. It's been up and running for a year, I had just never tested anything. Anyway, here are my results:
pH - 6.2
Alkalinity - 0
Hardness - 300
Nitrite - between 0 and .5
Nitrate - 200

My concerns are nitrate and hardness. I know these levels are high. What do I do about them?
I always do a 25% water change at least once a day untill teh nitrates come down a bit. I don't know how to get the alkalinity right, though.
There is not really much you can do about the hardness of the water. Its just how your tap water is. With no alkalinity in your water you will end up with soft water eventually (I think).

Are all the fish you listed in you signature in the ten gallon tank?
Goodness no! :p That would be crazy. I'll admit, my ten gallon is a smidge overstocked, but I've not had any problems.
Since low alkalinity softens my water, could my hardness be because I just recently did a water change?
I still don't know what to do about the nitrates, though. :/

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